- investment instrument
- форма помещения капитала ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
instrument — in·stru·ment n 1: a means or implement by which something is achieved, performed, or furthered an instrument of crime 2: a document (as a deed, will, bond, note, certificate of deposit, insurance policy, warrant, or writ) evidencing rights or… … Law dictionary
Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession — (ISPA) is one of the three financial instruments of the European Union (along with Phare and SAPARD) to assist the candidate countries in the preparation for accession. It provides assistance for infrastructure projects in the EU priority fields… … Wikipedia
investment — An expenditure to acquire property or other assets in order to produce revenue; the asset so acquired. The placing of capital or laying out of money in a way intended to secure income or profit from its employment. Securities & Exchange… … Black's law dictionary
investment — An expenditure to acquire property or other assets in order to produce revenue; the asset so acquired. The placing of capital or laying out of money in a way intended to secure income or profit from its employment. Securities & Exchange… … Black's law dictionary
Investment Company Act of 1940 — The Investment Company Act of 1940 is an act of Congress. It was passed as a United States Public Law and is codified at usc|15|80a 1 through usc|15|80a 64.Following the founding of the mutual fund in 1924, investors welcomed the innovation with… … Wikipedia
instrument — A product traded at CME, i.e., the CME S&P 500 Index futures contract. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary * * * instrument in‧stru‧ment [ˈɪnstrmənt] noun [countable] 1. also financial instrument FINANCE an investment such as a bond or share … Financial and business terms
investment value — (for convertible bonds) The value of a convertible bond calculated as a straight bond without giving any value to the conversion feature. Although this is done according to normal bond calculations, the rate used to discount the bond is that for… … Financial and business terms
Timberland Investment — An investment instrument used primarily by large institutional investors (such as public and private pension funds). The two main assets that underlie timberland investments are tree farms and managed natural forests. The returns on these… … Investment dictionary
National Instrument 43-101 — (the NI 43 101 or the NI ) is a mineral resource classification scheme used for the public disclosure of information relating to mineral properties in Canada. The NI is a strict guideline for how public companies can disclose scientific and… … Wikipedia
Foreign Direct Investment in Iran — has been hindered by unfavorable or complex operating requirements and by international sanctions, although in the early 2000s the Iranian government liberalized investment regulations. In the early 2000s, foreign investors have concentrated… … Wikipedia
Real Estate Investment Trust — Ein Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT, deutsch: Immobilien Aktiengesellschaft mit börsennotierten Anteilen) ist eine Aktiengesellschaft, deren Hauptgeschäftsfeld darin besteht, Immobilien zu besitzen und/oder zu verwalten. Auch Gesellschaften,… … Deutsch Wikipedia