- investment allowance
- налоговые скидки (списания) при инвестировании капитала ; инвестиционные налоговые льготы ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
investment allowance — inˈvestment alˌlowance noun [countable] ACCOUNTING another name for capital allowance: • a temporary 15% first year investment allowance for purchases of new equipment * * * investment allowance UK US noun [C] ACCOUNTING, TAX ► … Financial and business terms
allowance — al‧low‧ance [əˈlaʊəns] noun 1. [countable] an amount of money that someone is given regularly or for a special reason: • She earns a package worth $1 million, including a $15,000 clothing allowance. ˌcost of ˈliving alˌlowance [countable] HUMAN… … Financial and business terms
investment — in·vest·ment 1 n: investiture (1) investment 2 n 1: the outlay of money usu. for income or profit: capital outlay; also: the sum invested or the property purchased 2: the commitment of funds with a view to minimizing risk and safeguarding capital … Law dictionary
investment credit — or investment tax credit Tax incentive that permits companies or individuals to deduct a specified percentage of certain investment costs from their tax liability in addition to the normal allowances for depreciation. Investment credits are… … Universalium
capital allowance — ➔ allowance * * * capital allowance UK US noun [C] (also investment allowance) ► ACCOUNTING, TAX an amount of money that a business spends to buy buildings, equipment, vehicles, etc., which it can use to reduce the tax on its profits: »A 100%… … Financial and business terms
depletion allowance — a tax reduction allowed on income from exhaustible resources, as oil or timber. * * * In tax law, the deductions from gross income allowed investors in exhaustible commodities (such as minerals, oil, or gas) for the depletion of the deposits. The … Universalium
Gold as an investment — Reserves of SDR, forex and gold in 2006 … Wikipedia
Decorative Allowance — (or Decoration Allowance) is a real estate term seen in realtors marketing media (MLS, flyers, etc.) to inform buyers that the seller is willing to help contribute to a portion of the costs of renovation at closing or settlement. The allowance… … Wikipedia
Parental investment — For theory that females invest more energy into producing child, see Bateman s principle. For cost of raising a human child, see Cost of raising a child. A female Calliope Hummingbird feeding her chicks In evolutionary biology, parental investme … Wikipedia
Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme — The Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme, LATS, is an initiative by the UK government, through DEFRA to help reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) sent to landfill. [ [http://www.defra.gov.uk/Environment/waste/localauth/lats/intro … Wikipedia
Social Return on Investment — Social Return on Investment, or SROI is an attempt to measure the social and financial value created by a non profit, NGO or business. It has not been proven to drive increased investment, but it is popular with academics and some consultancies.… … Wikipedia