- intractable problem
- трудноразрешимая проблема ; проблема, с трудом поддающаяся решению ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
intractable — adjective formal 1 an intractable problem is very difficult to deal with or find an answer to: the seemingly intractable problem of human greed 2 having a strong will and difficult to control: They found the islanders intractable, resisting their … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
intractable — in|trac|ta|ble [ınˈtræktəbəl] adj formal 1.) an intractable problem is very difficult to deal with or solve ▪ the seemingly intractable problem of human greed 2.) having a strong will and difficult to control >intractability [ınˌtræktıˈbılıti] … Dictionary of contemporary English
intractable — in|trac|ta|ble [ ın træktəbl ] adjective 1. ) FORMAL very difficult or impossible to deal with: the intractable problem of prison overcrowding 2. ) refusing to be persuaded or refusing to deal in a friendly way with someone ╾ in|trac|ta|bly… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
intractable — UK [ɪnˈtræktəb(ə)l] / US adjective 1) formal very difficult or impossible to deal with the intractable problem of prison over crowding 2) refusing to be persuaded, or refusing to deal in a friendly way with someone Derived words: intractably… … English dictionary
problem — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sth that causes difficulties ADJECTIVE ▪ acute, big, enormous, grave, great, huge, important, major, serious, significant … Collocations dictionary
problem */*/*/ — UK [ˈprɒbləm] / US [ˈprɑbləm] noun [countable] Word forms problem : singular problem plural problems Metaphor: Problems and troubles are like illnesses. When things get better, people think of the problems as being cured. She thinks we live in a… … English dictionary
problem — Synonyms and related words: Chinese puzzle, ado, aggravation, annoyance, anxiety, bad news, baffle, bafflement, baffling problem, basis, bedevilment, besetment, bewilderment, blemish, bone of contention, bore, bother, botheration, bothersomeness … Moby Thesaurus
problem — n 1. question, vexed question, knot, knotty point, stickler; moot point, bone of contention, point at issue, subject of dispute. 2. enigma, puzzle, riddle, conundrum, mystery, question mark, Chinese puzzle; puzzler, poser, teaser, Inf. brain… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Demarcation problem — The demarcation problem (or boundary problem[1]) in the philosophy of science is about how and where to draw the lines around science. The boundaries are commonly drawn between science and non science, between science and pseudoscience, between… … Wikipedia
Cuspy halo problem — The cuspy halo problem arises from cosmological simulations that seem to indicate cold dark matter (CDM) would form cuspy distributions that is, increasing sharply to a high value at a central point in the most dense areas of the universe. This… … Wikipedia
NP-complete problem — ▪ computer science any of a class of computational problems for which no efficient solution algorithm has been found. Many significant computer science problems belong to this class e.g., the traveling salesman problem, satisfiability… … Universalium