- international patent system
- международная патентная система ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
International Patent Classification — The International Patent Classification (IPC) is a hierarchical patent classification system created under the Strasbourg Agreement (1971) and updated on a regular basis by a Committee of Experts, consisting of representatives of the Contracting… … Wikipedia
South African patent system — The South African patent system is the system by which patents are granted in South Africa.As is the case in many other countries, a patent provides legal protection for a new and industrially applicable invention. This invention, which… … Wikipedia
Patent — Ein Patent ist ein hoheitlich erteiltes gewerbliches Schutzrecht für eine Erfindung. Der Inhaber des Patents ist berechtigt, anderen die Benutzung der Erfindung zu untersagen. Das deutsche Wort wurde im 17. Jahrhundert aus dem französischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Patent application — A patent application is a request pending at a patent office for the grant of a patent for the invention described and claimed by that application. An application consists of a description of the invention (the patent specification ), together… … Wikipedia
Patent — A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a state to an inventor or his assignee for a fixed period of time in exchange for a disclosure of an invention.The procedure for granting patents, the requirements placed on the patentee and the… … Wikipedia
patent — patentable, adj. patentability, n. patentably, adv. patently, adv. /pat nt/ or, for 10, 12 15, /payt /; esp. Brit. /payt nt/, n. 1. the exclusive right granted by a government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain … Universalium
Patent Reform Act of 2007 — The Patent Reform Act of 2007 (USBill|110|H.R.|1908, USBill|110|S.|1145) is a proposal introduced in the 110th United States Congress for changes in United States patent law. Democratic Congressman Howard Berman introduced the House of… … Wikipedia
Patent offices in Europe — Europe does not comprise a unitary patent system. European patent law is instead characterized by the coexistence of national patent systems, and thus national patent offices, and a European patent system associated with the European Patent… … Wikipedia
Patent classification — A patent classification is a way the examiners of patent offices or other people arrange documents, such as patent applications, disclosing inventions according to the technical features of the inventions. They arrange documents using a patent… … Wikipedia
International Automated Systems — International Automated Systems, Inc. (IAS or IAUS) is a company with research and development in various industries, that has been involved in many ventures to design, produce, market, and sell high technology products. It has been publicly… … Wikipedia
Patent attorney — A patent attorney is an attorney who has the specialized qualifications necessary for representing clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice, such as filing an opposition. The term… … Wikipedia