- international commercial arbitration
- международный коммерческий арбитраж ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration — The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration was prepared by UNCITRAL, and adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on 21 June 1985. In 2006 the model law was amended, it now includes more detailed… … Wikipedia
European Convention on international commercial arbitration — Европейская конвенция о внешнеторговом арбитраже, подписана в Женеве 21 апреля 1961 г., вступила в силу 1 января 1964 г. В российской специальной литературе иногда именуется как Женевская конвенция . Содержит дополнительные по сравнению с Нью… … Glossary of international commercial arbitration
International commercial law — is the body of law that governs international sale transactions. [Mo, John S.; International Commercial Law (2003) 1.] A transaction will qualify to be international if elements of more than one country are involved. [Pryles, Jeff Waincymer, and… … Wikipedia
International arbitration — is the established method for resolving disputes between parties to international commercial agreements. As with arbitration generally, it is a creature of contract, i.e., the parties decision to submit any disputes to private adjudication by one … Wikipedia
Arbitration in the United States of America — Arbitration, in the context of United States law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution mdash; specifically, a legal alternative to litigation whereby the parties to a dispute agree to submit their respective positions (through agreement or … Wikipedia
Israeli Institute of Commercial Arbitration — The Israeli Institute of Commercial Arbitration (IICA) was founded in 1991 by the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce. The IICA is generally considered the leading arbitration institution in Israel. History The late Prof. Smadar Ottolenghi … Wikipedia
arbitration — arbitrational, adj. arbitrationist, n. /ahr bi tray sheuhn/, n. 1. the hearing and determining of a dispute or the settling of differences between parties by a person or persons chosen or agreed to by them: Rather than risk a long strike, the… … Universalium
Arbitration — Not to be confused with Arbitrage. For Wikipedia s arbitration policy, see Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy … Wikipedia
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes — ICSID in force ICSID … Wikipedia
Arbitration Court at St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry — The Arbitration Court is an independent permanent court under the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Russia.The Arbitration Court is engaged in settlement of economic disputes on civil matters, those to be referred to arbitration… … Wikipedia
pathological arbitration clause — включенное в договор положение, которое нуждается в толковании с целью определения его содержания касательно того, 1. согласовали ли стороны разрешение споров в порядке арбитража (arbitration) или каким либо иным способом; 2. в каком месте должно … Glossary of international commercial arbitration