institutional factors

institutional factors
институциональные факторы ; социальные и общественные институты ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "institutional factors" в других словарях:

  • Institutional pedagogy — is a practice of education that is centered on two factors: 1. the complexity of the learner, and the unconscious that he or she brings to the classroom. This unconscious is another name for the diversity of social, economic, cultural and other… …   Wikipedia

  • Institutional racism — (or structural racism or systemic racism) refers to a form of racism which occurs specifically in institutions such as public bodies, corporations, and universities. The term was coined by black nationalist, pan Africanist and honorary prime… …   Wikipedia

  • Institutional analysis — is that part of the social sciences which studies how institutions, i.e. structures and mechanisms of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of two or more individuals, behave and function according to both empirical rules – informal …   Wikipedia

  • Institutional theory — is A widely accepted theoretical posture that emphasizes rational myths, isomorphism, and legitimacy. There are two dominant trends in institutional theory: * Old Institutionalism sometimes associated with Historical institutionalism * New… …   Wikipedia

  • institutional economics — noun plural but singular or plural in construction : a school of economics that emphasizes the importance of nonmarket factors (as social institutions) in influencing economic behavior, economic analysis being subordinated to consideration of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Institutional discrimination in the housing market — Discrimination and segregation in the United States housing market has endured despite the condemnation of discriminatory practices. Institutionalized, or systematic, racism occurs even though overt racist policies have been discontinued. Race is …   Wikipedia

  • The churches of Christ (non-institutional) — Churches of Christ (non institutional) Classification Christian, Restoration Movement Orientation New Testament, Restorationism (Christian primitivism) Polity Congregationalist Separations Disciples of Christ The label non institutional refers to …   Wikipedia

  • Human factors — For other uses, see The Human Factor (disambiguation). Research subject in a human fatigue study. Human factors science or human factors technologies is a multidisciplinary field incorporating contributions from psychology, engineering,… …   Wikipedia

  • Voter turnout — Voters lining up outside a Baghdad polling station during the 2005 Iraqi election. Voter turnout was considered high despite widespread concerns of violence …   Wikipedia

  • labour economics — Study of how workers are allocated among jobs, how their rates of pay are determined, and how their efficiency is affected by various factors. The labour force of a country includes all those who work for gain in any capacity as well as those who …   Universalium

  • Benchmarking e-learning — Benchmarking is a management tool that has been applied in many areas of business but it is only in 2005 06 that there has been immense growth in its application specifically to university use of educational technology, initially in New Zealand ( …   Wikipedia

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