imported inflation

imported inflation
импортированная инфляция ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "imported inflation" в других словарях:

  • Inflation in India — Inflation happens to be a key determinant in the functioning of any economy. India is a country with a mixed economy model that comprises of both capitalism and socialism hence the challenges faced are vital for its growth model. The recent rise… …   Wikipedia

  • Inflation targeting — is a monetary policy in which a central bank attempts to keep inflation in a declared target range typically by adjusting interest rates. The theory is that inflation is an indication of growth in money supply and adjusting interest rates will… …   Wikipedia

  • Monetary inflation — For increases in the general level of prices, see inflation. Economics …   Wikipedia

  • Chronic inflation — occurs when a country experiences high inflation for a prolonged period of time (several years or decades) due to undue expansion or increase of the money supply. In countries with chronic inflation, inflation expectations become built in , and… …   Wikipedia

  • Инфляция — (Inflation) Инфляция это обесценивание денежной единицы, уменьшение ее покупательной способности Общая информация об инфляции, виды инфляции, в чем состоит экономическая сущность, причины и последствия инфляции, показатели и индекс инфляции, как… …   Энциклопедия инвестора

  • Fall of the Ottoman Empire — issues cleanup=Sep 2008 refimprove=Sep 2008 wikify=Sep 2008 Republic of Turkey (superimposed upon modern borders). Some scholars argue the power of the Caliphate began waning by 1683, and without the acquisition of significant new wealth the… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic history of the Ottoman Empire — covers the period 1299 1923. The economic history falls into two distinctive sub periods.Fact|date=July 2008 The first is the classic era (enlargement), which comprised a closed agricultural economy, showing regional distinctions within the… …   Wikipedia

  • tonga — /tong geuh/, n. a light, two wheeled, horse drawn vehicle used in India. [1870 75; < Hindi tanga] * * * Tonga Introduction Tonga Background: The archipelago of The Friendly Islands was united into a Polynesian kingdom in 1845. It became a… …   Universalium

  • Tonga — /tong geuh/, n. a Polynesian kingdom consisting of three groups of islands in the S Pacific, NE of New Zealand: a former British protectorate. 100,105; ab. 270 sq. mi. (700 sq. km). Cap.: Nukualofa. Also called Tonga Islands, Friendly Islands.… …   Universalium

  • Singapore — Singaporean, n., adj. /sing geuh pawr , pohr , sing euh /, n. 1. an island on the Strait of Singapore, off the S tip of the Malay Peninsula. 2. an independent republic comprising this island and a few adjacent islets: member of the Commonwealth… …   Universalium

  • Karl Brunner — (born 16 February 1916, death 9 May 1989) was a Swiss economist.His main interest in economics was on the nature of the money supply process and the philosophy of science and logic.He moved to the USA in 1943. An award is given after his name in… …   Wikipedia

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