- illicit
- запрещенный ; незаконный ; ? illicit trade ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
illicit — il·lic·it /il li sət/ adj: not permitted: unlawful an illicit motive to defeat or evade the taxes In re Haas, 48 F.3d 1153 (1995) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Illicit — may refer to:* illicit antiquities* illicit drug trade ** illicit drug use ** Illicit Drug Anti Proliferation Act* illicit major * illicit minor * illicit work * Illicit Streetwear clothing companyee also*valid but illicit … Wikipedia
illicit — il‧li‧cit [ɪˈlɪst] adjective LAW not allowed by laws or rules, or strongly disapproved of by society: • Officials are hoping prosecution of certain gun dealers will curb illicit sales. • They were convicted of racketeering and were ordered to… … Financial and business terms
Illicit — Il*lic it, a. [L. illicitus; pref. il not + licitus, p. p. of licere to be allowed or permitted: cf. F. illicite. See {In } not, and {License}.] Not permitted or allowed; prohibited; unlawful; as, illicit trade; illicit intercourse; illicit… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Illicit — Données clés Titre original Illicit Réalisation Archie Mayo Scénario Harvey F. Thew Acteurs principaux Barbara Stanwyck James Rennie Sociétés de production Warn … Wikipédia en Français
illicit — (adj.) c.1500, from O.Fr. illicite (14c.) unlawful, forbidden, from L. illicitus not allowed, unlawful, illegal, from assimilated form of in not, opposite of (see IN (Cf. in ) (1)) + licitus lawful, pp. of licere to be allowed (see LICENCE (Cf … Etymology dictionary
illicit — *unlawful, illegal, illegitimate Antonyms: licit Contrasted words: *lawful, legal, legitimate: sanctioned, endorsed, approved (see APPROVE): permitted, allowed (see LET) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
illicit — [adj] not legal; forbidden adulterous, black market*, bootleg*, clandestine, contraband, contrary to law, criminal, crooked, dirty*, felonious, furtive, guilty, heavy*, illegal, illegitimate, immoral, improper, in violation of law, lawless, out… … New thesaurus
illicit — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ forbidden by law, rules, or custom. DERIVATIVES illicitly adverb. ORIGIN Latin illicitus, from in not + licitus allowed … English terms dictionary
illicit — [i lis′it] adj. [Fr illicite < L illicitus, not allowed: see IN 2 & LICIT] not allowed by law, custom, rule, etc.; unlawful; improper; prohibited; unauthorized illicitly adv. illicitness n … English World dictionary
Illicit — Filmdaten Originaltitel Illicit Produktionsland USA … Deutsch Wikipedia