- idle time
- простой в работе ; время простоя ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
idle time — noun A period or periods when a machine, eg a computer, is able to function properly but is not being used for productive work • • • Main Entry: ↑idle * * * idle time UK US noun [uncountable] business a period during which a piece of equipment or … Useful english dictionary
idle time — UK US noun [U] ► IT the period of time when a computer or other machine is not being used despite the fact that it is available to be used: »Idle time can sometimes be used to save additional power, with the help of hibernate or standby choices.… … Financial and business terms
Idle Time — Unproductive time on the part of employees or machines as a result of factors beyond their control. Idle time is the time associated with waiting, or when a piece of machinery is not being used but could be. Idle time could also be associated… … Investment dictionary
idle time — laukimo trukmė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. idle time; latency time; waiting time vok. Latentzeit, f; Wartezeit, f rus. время ожидания, n pranc. temps d attente, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
idle time — When a computer is not being used. This refers to either a computer running a BBS that is not busy, or a caller that is not typing anything or receiving anything. Some BBS s will hang up a user if there is a certain amount of idle time (such as a … Dictionary of telecommunications
idle time — neveikos laikas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Laikas, kai aktyvi programa neturi ką veikti ir jos laukiančių užduočių eilė tuščia. Tuo metu kompiuteris gali vykdyti ↑fonines programas. atitikmenys: angl. idle time ryšiai: dar žiūrėk –… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
idle time — time in which one is inactive, time spent resting or relaxing … English contemporary dictionary
idle time — The time, usually measured in labour hours or machine hours, during which a production facility is unable to operate. See also: idle capacity, waiting time … Accounting dictionary
idle time — The time, usually measured in labour hours or machine hours, during which a production facility is unable to operate. See also idle capacity; waiting time … Big dictionary of business and management
Idle time — Простой; время простоя … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
idle time — UK / US noun [uncountable] business a period during which a piece of equipment or someone working for an organization is not doing anything … English dictionary