heavy loss

heavy loss
большой убыток ; тяжелые потери ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "heavy loss" в других словарях:

  • loss — [ lɔs ] noun *** ▸ 1 no longer having something ▸ 2 having less than before ▸ 3 failure to win race etc. ▸ 4 money lost ▸ 5 death of someone ▸ 6 sadness from death/loss ▸ 7 disadvantage from loss ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) count or uncount the state of not …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • loss — W1S2 [lɔs US lo:s] n [: Old English; Origin: los destruction ] 1.) [U and C] the fact of no longer having something, or of having less of it than you used to have, or the process by which this happens loss of ▪ The court awarded Ms Dixon £7,000… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • loss of life — formal phrase the deaths of a lot of people in an accident, war etc There was only minor damage to property and no loss of life. heavy losses (=when a lot of people die): Despite heavy losses, the battalion regrouped and fought on. Thesaurus:… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Heavy cavalry — is the late 19th century misnomer for Cavalry [p.490, Lynn] , troops that from the late 17th to late 19th centuries usually wore armour and were mounted on largest available cavalry horses [p.60, Roemer] , as opposed to light cavalry, in which… …   Wikipedia

  • loss — n. 1) to inflict losses on (our forces inflicted heavy losses on the enemy) 2) (sports) to hand smb. a loss (they handed our team its first loss of the season) 3) to incur, suffer, sustain, take losses (to take heavy losses) 4) to make up, offset …   Combinatory dictionary

  • loss — noun 1 losing of sth ADJECTIVE ▪ appreciable, considerable, significant, substantial ▪ dramatic, great, huge, major, serious …   Collocations dictionary

  • Heavy water — Not to be confused with hard water or tritiated water. Deuterium oxide IUPAC name …   Wikipedia

  • loss — The opposite of gain. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * loss loss [lɒs ǁ lɒːs] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the fact of no longer having something that you used to have, or having less of it: • loss of earnings through illness ˈjob loss… …   Financial and business terms

  • loss — noun 1 NO LONGER HAVING STH (C, U) the fact of no longer having something you used to have: Job losses were common in the 1980s. (+ of): a temporary loss of memory | weight/blood etc loss | rapid hair loss 2 MONEY (C, U) money that has been lost… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • heavy — [[t]he̱vi[/t]] ♦♦ heavier, heaviest, heavies 1) ADJ GRADED Something that is heavy weighs a lot. These scissors are awfully heavy... Gosh, that was a heavy bag!... The mud stuck to her boots, making her feet heavy and her legs tired. Ant: light… …   English dictionary

  • loss */*/*/ — UK [lɒs] / US [lɔs] noun Word forms loss : singular loss plural losses 1) [countable/uncountable] the state of no longer having something because it has been taken from you or destroyed It was an ancient car anyway, so it was no great loss. job… …   English dictionary

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