- group factor
- общий множитель ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Rh antibody blood group factor — [from Rhesus monkeys, whose blood was found to contain the factor in 1940] see under antibody, blood group, and factor … Medical dictionary
Group theory — is a mathematical discipline, the part of abstract algebra that studies the algebraic structures known as groups. The development of group theory sprang from three main sources: number theory, theory of algebraic equations, and geometry. The… … Wikipedia
Factor seven — is a band based out of Birmingham, Alabama. Formed in 1997, the group is probably best well known for its comeback after a three year hiatus and subsequent multi success tour of East Asia in May, 2007. The band is currently together.Early daysThe … Wikipedia
Group psychotherapy — is a form of psychotherapy in which one or more therapists treat a small group of clients together as a group. The term can legitimately refer to any form of psychotherapy when delivered in a group format, including Cognitive behavioural therapy… … Wikipedia
Factor analysis — is a statistical method used to describe variability among observed, correlated variables in terms of a potentially lower number of unobserved, uncorrelated variables called factors. In other words, it is possible, for example, that variations in … Wikipedia
Factor nuclear 4 alfa de hepatocito — Estructura tridimensional de la proteína HNF4A. HUGO … Wikipedia Español
Factor de Lorentz — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En teoría especial de la relatividad, el factor de Lorentz es un término que aparece frecuentemente en las ecuaciones de la teoría, por lo que se suele dar un nombre propio γ lo cual permite escribir más brevemente… … Wikipedia Español
Factor Four — is a supervillain group in the Freedom City campaign setting for the Mutants and Masterminds role playing game. They have been compared to the Frightful Four or the U Foes, though in terms of powers they are almost directly analogous to the… … Wikipedia
Group f/64 — was a group of famous San Francisco photographers who espoused a common philosophy and photographic style. The group was created in 1932, and it is usually listed as including: * Ansel Adams+ * Imogen Cunningham+ * John Paul Edwards+ * Consuelo… … Wikipedia
Factor X — For other uses, see Factor X (disambiguation). Coagulation factor X PDB rendering based on 1c5m … Wikipedia
Factor of automorphy — In mathematics, the notion of factor of automorphy arises for a group acting on a complex analytic manifold. Suppose a group G acts on a complex analytic manifold X. Then, G also acts on the space of holomorphic functions from X to the complex… … Wikipedia