grace period of a loan

grace period of a loan
льготный (бесплатный) период при предоставлении займа ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "grace period of a loan" в других словарях:

  • grace period — grace pe·ri·od n: a period of time beyond a scheduled date during which a required action (as payment of an obligation) may be taken without incurring the ordinarily resulting adverse consequences (as penalty or cancellation): as a: a period of… …   Law dictionary

  • Grace Period — A provision in most loan and insurance contracts which allows payment to be received for a certain period of time after the actual due date. During this period no late fees will be charged, and the late payment will not result in default or… …   Investment dictionary

  • grace period — noun : a period of 30 days or one month during which premiums on insurance policies may be paid without penalty * * * a period of time after a payment becomes due, as of a loan or life insurance premium, before one is subject to penalties or late …   Useful english dictionary

  • grace period — In insurance law, a period beyond the due date of premium (usually 30 or 31 days) during which insurance is continued in force and during which payment may be made to keep policy in good standing. The grace period for payment of premium does not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • grace period — In insurance law, a period beyond the due date of premium (usually 30 or 31 days) during which insurance is continued in force and during which payment may be made to keep policy in good standing. The grace period for payment of premium does not… …   Black's law dictionary

  • grace period — grace′ pe riod n. bus an allowance of time after a payment of a loan, insurance premium, etc., becomes due before one is subject to penalties or before the loan, policy, etc., is canceled …   From formal English to slang

  • grace period — a period of time after a payment becomes due, as of a loan or life insurance premium, before one is subject to penalties or late charges or before the loan or policy is canceled. * * * …   Universalium

  • grace period — A time period, usually one or more months, during which the debtor may delay principal repayment without incurring a penalty. American Banker Glossary The time period stipulated in most loan contracts and insurance policies during which a late… …   Financial and business terms

  • grace period — 1) The interval between the establishment of a loan and the first due date for repayment. 2) Extra time granted for payment after a due date. 3) See: callable bonds …   Accounting dictionary

  • grace period — / greɪs ˌpɪəriəd/ noun the time given to a debtor to repay a loan, to pay the amount purchased using a credit card, or to pay an insurance premium …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • days of grace — grace period; period of grace 1) The interval between the establishment of a loan and the first due date for repayment. 2) Time given to defaulters to satisfy their obligations (see grace and notice provision). 3) The extra time allowed for… …   Big dictionary of business and management

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