garnishment of wages

garnishment of wages
вычет задолженности из заработной платы ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "garnishment of wages" в других словарях:

  • garnishment — garnishee gar‧ni‧shee 1 [ˌgɑːnɪˈʆiː ǁ ˌgɑːr ] also gar‧nish [ˈgɑːnɪʆ ǁ ˈgɑːr ] verb [transitive] LAW if a court of law garnishees someone s money or property, it orders an organization holding it, for example a bank or an employer, to send it to… …   Financial and business terms

  • garnishment — A proceeding whereby a plaintiff creditor, i.e., garnishor, seeks to subject to his or her claim the property or money of a third party, i.e., garnishee, owed by such party to defendant debtor, i.e., principal defendant. Van Maanen v. Van Maanen …   Black's law dictionary

  • garnishment — A proceeding whereby a plaintiff creditor, i.e., garnishor, seeks to subject to his or her claim the property or money of a third party, i.e., garnishee, owed by such party to defendant debtor, i.e., principal defendant. Van Maanen v. Van Maanen …   Black's law dictionary

  • garnishment — gar·nish·ment / gär nish mənt/ n: a remedial device used by a creditor to have property of the debtor or money owed to the debtor that is in the possession of a third party attached to pay the debt to the creditor; specif: attachment of the… …   Law dictionary

  • Garnishment — A garnishment is a means of collecting a monetary judgment against a defendant by ordering a third party (the garnishee) to pay money, otherwise owed to the defendant, directly to the plaintiff. United States Wage garnishment Wage garnishment,… …   Wikipedia

  • garnishment — /gahr nish meuhnt/, n. 1. Law. a. a warning, served on a third party to hold, subject to the court s direction, money or property belonging to a debtor who is being sued by a creditor. b. a summons to a third party to appear in litigation pending …   Universalium

  • Garnishment — A legal process whereby payments towards a debt owed by an individual can be paid by a third party which holds money or property that is due to the individual directly to the creditor. The third party in such a case is generally the individual s… …   Investment dictionary

  • garnishment — noun Date: 1550 1. ornament, garnish 2. a legal summons or warning concerning the attachment of property to satisfy a debt 3. a stoppage of a specified sum from wages to satisfy a creditor or a legal obligation (as child support) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • garnishment — gar•nish•ment [[t]ˈgɑr nɪʃ mənt[/t]] n. 1) law Law. a) a warning served on a third party to hold wages, property, etc., belonging to a debtor b) a summons to such a party to appear in court and give testimony in litigation between the debtor and… …   From formal English to slang

  • garnishment —    A legal proceeding in which a creditor (or other plaintiff) obtains a court order compelling a third party (e.g., a bank, the employer of a debtor or other defendant) to pay money earned by the defendant to the plaintiff. Up to a quarter of a… …   Business law dictionary

  • garnishment — noun a court order to an employer to withhold all or part of an employee s wages and to send the money to the court or to the person who won a lawsuit against the employee • Derivationally related forms: ↑garnish • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence •… …   Useful english dictionary

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