- full load
- полная нагрузка ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
full load — pilnutinė apkrova statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. full load; total load vok. Gesamtbelastung, f; summarische Belastung, f; Summenlast, f; Vollast, f; volle Belastung, f rus. полная нагрузка, f; суммарная нагрузка, f pranc. charge… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
full load — pilnutinė apkrova statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. full load vok. Gesamtbelastung, f; Vollast, f; Vollbelastung, f rus. полная нагрузка, f pranc. charge totale, f; pleine charge, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
full load enrichment — The provision of a richer mixture when the throttle is fully opened. On some system, the computer goes open loop during full load enrichment … Dictionary of automotive terms
full load — An engine operating conditions where the accelerator is fully depressed, i.e., the throttle is fully open, which does not necessarily mean high engine speed … Dictionary of automotive terms
one brick short of a full load — adjective a) not mentally sound; insane I feel fine today, but that gentleman conversing with the house plant there may be one brick short of a full load. b) stupid You have to be one brick short of a full load to think that 7 is a letter in the… … Wiktionary
one brick short of a full load — mentally slow, not all there I m okay, but you may be one brick short of a full load. Ha ha … English idioms
full load torque — Maximum torque delivered without overheating … Dictionary of automotive terms
Load regulation — is the capability to maintain a constant voltage (or current) level on the output channel of a power supply despite changes in load [cite web|title=Line and Load Regulation for Programmable DC Power Supplies and Precision DC Sources Developer… … Wikipedia
full — full1 [fool] adj. [ME < OE, akin to Ger voll, Goth fulls < IE base * pel , to fill > L plenus, full & plere, to fill, Gr plēthein, to be full, Welsh llawn, full] 1. having in it all there is space for; holding or containing as much as… … English World dictionary
load — A sales charge paid by an investor in some mutual fund shares or annuities. The sales charge may be a front end charge, a back end charge, or a 12b 1 charge. Also, an expression used to describe a mutual fund that imposes sales charges on… … Financial and business terms
load — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ heavy, light ▪ He has a heavy teaching load this year. ▪ full ▪ The plane took off with a full load. ▪ … Collocations dictionary