- frozen account
- замороженный (блокированный) счет ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Frozen Account — An account to which no withdrawals or purchases can be charged. This usually occurs when the account holder fails to pay promptly for purchases charged to the account. For example, cash accounts are frozen for 90 days until the full purchase… … Investment dictionary
frozen account — bank account temporarily restricted from transaction … English contemporary dictionary
frozen account — / frəυz(ə)n əˌkaυnt/ noun a bank account where the money cannot be moved or used because of a court order … Dictionary of banking and finance
frozen account — An account in which no activity is permitted until a court order is lifted … Black's law dictionary
frozen account — An account in which no activity is permitted until a court order is lifted … Black's law dictionary
frozen account — noun : a bank, trust company, or brokerage account from which withdrawals are barred by court or government order … Useful english dictionary
frozen account — A disciplinary action taken by the Federal Reserve Board for some violation of Regulation T, an individual investor cannot sell securities until they are paid for in full and certificates delivered. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Account Freeze — An action taken by a bank or brokerage that prevents any transactions from occurring in the account. Typically, any open transactions will be cancelled, and checks presented on a frozen account will not be honored. Account freezes can be… … Investment dictionary
frozen — fro‧zen [ˈfrəʊzn ǁ ˈfroʊ ] adjective 1. frozen food is stored at very low temperatures in order to preserve it: • Europe s $30 billion frozen food industry • frozen peas 2. BANKING LAW frozen assets, accounts etc cannot be … Financial and business terms
frozen credits — /ˌfrəυz(ə)n kredɪtz/ plural noun credits in an account which cannot be moved … Dictionary of banking and finance
Blocked Account — An account that is subject to foreign exchange controls in a country that restricts the amount of its currency that can be transferred to other countries or exchanged into other currencies. It can also refer to accounts that are frozen, either by … Investment dictionary