- free of debt
- не имеющий долгов ; свободный от задолженности ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
free — I adj. 1) free from, of (free from pain; free of debt) 2) free with (free with advice) 3) free to + inf. (I am free to accept your invitation) 4) (misc.) to set, turn smb. II v. (D; tr.) to free from * * * [friː] turn smb. of (free from pain;… … Combinatory dictionary
Debt relief — is the partial or total forgiveness of debt, or the slowing or stopping of debt growth, owed by individuals, corporations, or nations. From antiquity through the 19th century, it refers to domestic debts, in particular agricultural debts and… … Wikipedia
Debt restructuring — is a process that allows a private or public company – or a sovereign entity – facing cash flow problems and financial distress, to reduce and renegotiate its delinquent debts in order to improve or restore liquidity and rehabilitate so that it… … Wikipedia
debt-free — UK US adjective ► not owing money: »The company s virtually debt free status gives it the flexibility to consider larger deals … Financial and business terms
free and clear — adj. Of property, unencumbered by liens. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008. free and clear Property ownership that is not subject to a secu … Law dictionary
Debt: The first 5000 Years — Debt. The first 5000 Years is a book of anthropologist David Graeber. It has been published in 2011. Graeber analyzes the function of debt in human history. He argues that debts often has driven revolutions and social and political changes. The… … Wikipedia
debt counselling — ➔ counselling * * * debt counselling UK US UK (US debt counseling) noun [U] FINANCE ► the activity of giving people financial help and advice about managing debt, for example, helping them plan better ways to pay back money that they owe: »Free… … Financial and business terms
debt to society — used in phrases like pay your debt to society to refer to being punished for committing a crime after 10 years in prison, he has paid his debt to society and is a free man. • • • Main Entry: ↑debt … Useful english dictionary
Free banking — is a theory of banking in which commercial banks and market forces control the provision of banking services. Under free banking, government central banks and currency boards do not exist, and banking specific government regulations are either… … Wikipedia
Free Silver — was an important political issue in the late 19th century United States. To understand exactly what is meant by free coinage of silver , it is necessary to understand the way mints operated in the days of the gold standard. Essentially, anyone… … Wikipedia
Debt — For other uses, see Debt (disambiguation). Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract … Wikipedia