- franchise dealer
- дилер, связанный с поставщиком франшизным контрактом и но- ; сящий фирменное имя поставщика ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Dealer Team Vauxhall — or DTV was set up in January 1971 and closed in 1981 Formed by Vauxhall Dealers to circumvent the General Motors and Vauxhall ban on Motorsport. Sponsoring a race program run by Engine tuner Bill Blydenstein Vauxhall Cars developed and used for… … Wikipedia
franchise — A special privilege to do certain things conferred by government on individual or corporation, and which does not belong to citizens generally of common right; e.g., right granted to offer cable television service. Artesian Water Co. v. State,… … Black's law dictionary
franchise — A special privilege to do certain things conferred by government on individual or corporation, and which does not belong to citizens generally of common right; e.g., right granted to offer cable television service. Artesian Water Co. v. State,… … Black's law dictionary
franchise — franchisable, adj. franchisability, n. franchisement /fran chuyz meuhnt, chiz /, n. /fran chuyz/, n., v., franchised, franchising. n. 1. a privilege of a public nature conferred on an individual, group, or company by a government: a franchise to… … Universalium
Дилер/DEALER — компания посредник, выполняющая торговые операции от своего имени и за свой счет. Дилеры, как правило, приобретают продукцию у производителей или дистрибьюторов, а продают напрямую конечным пользователям. Отдельную группу составляют компании… … Толковый словарь по информационному обществу и новой экономике
Death Dealer (painting) — Death Dealer is an iconic 1973 fantasy painting by Frank Frazetta. It depicts a menacing armor clad warrior with a horned helmet, whose facial features are obscured by shadow, atop a horse, holding a bloody axe and shield. The image eventually… … Wikipedia
Dial-A-Mattress Franchise Corp. v. Anthony Page — Dial A Mattress Franchise v. Anthony Page United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit Argued June 2, 1989 Decided July 27, 1989 Full case name Dial A Mattress Franchise Corporation v … Wikipedia
franchised dealer — A retailer who sells the product or service of a manufacturer or supplier under a franchise agreement which generally protects the territory for the retailer and provides advertising and promotion support to him. See franchise … Black's law dictionary
franchised dealer — A retailer who sells the product or service of a manufacturer or supplier under a franchise agreement which generally protects the territory for the retailer and provides advertising and promotion support to him. See franchise … Black's law dictionary
National Treasure franchise — Infobox Film name=National Treasure National Treasure is a series of movies starring Nicolas Cage as a treasure hunter who uncovers hidden treasures and secrets from America s past.MoviesNational Treasure (2004)The first National Treasure movie… … Wikipedia
National Treasure (franchise) — Cover art for the first film, National Treasure (2004) National Treasure is a series of theatrical action adventure mystery films distributed by Walt Disney Pictures, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and starring Nicolas Cage as Benjamin Franklin… … Wikipedia