- for want of...
- за неимением... ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
for want of — because of a lack of (something) for want of a better location we ate our picnic lunch in the cemetery * * * for (the) want of : because of not having (something) : because (something) does not exist or is not available For want of a better name… … Useful english dictionary
For Want of a Nail (proverb) — For Want of a Nail is a proverbial rhyme showing that small actions can result in large consequences. quote box2|border=2px|align=center|title=For Want of a Nail|halign=left|quote= For want of a nail the shoe was lost. For want of a shoe the… … Wikipedia
For Want of a Nail (novel) — For the proverb, see For Want of a Nail (proverb). For Want of a Nail … Wikipedia
for want of a better word — for want of a better word/phrase/term/ phrase used for saying that you cannot think of a more exact way of describing or explaining what you mean They were worried about, for want of a better word, competition from other charities. Thesaurus:… … Useful english dictionary
for want of a better phrase — for want of a better word/phrase/term/ phrase used for saying that you cannot think of a more exact way of describing or explaining what you mean They were worried about, for want of a better word, competition from other charities. Thesaurus:… … Useful english dictionary
for want of a better term — for want of a better word/phrase/term/ phrase used for saying that you cannot think of a more exact way of describing or explaining what you mean They were worried about, for want of a better word, competition from other charities. Thesaurus:… … Useful english dictionary
for want of something — formal phrase because someone lacks something She could not go on holiday for want of money. Thesaurus: lacking and not having somethingsynonym Main entry: want … Useful english dictionary
for want of a nail the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe the horse was lost; and for want of a horse the man was lost — The proverb is found in a number of forms. Cf. late 15th cent. Fr. par ung seul clou perd on ung bon cheval, by just one nail one loses a good horse; c 1390 GOWER Confessio Amantis v. 4785 For sparinge of a litel cost Fulofte time a man hath lost … Proverbs new dictionary
For Want of a Boot — Infobox Television episode Title = For Want of a Boot Series = M*A*S*H Caption = {Caption} Season = 2 Episode = 17 Airdate = January 12, 1974 Production = K417 Writer = Sheldon Keller Director = Don Weis Guests = Michael Lerner Johnny Haymer… … Wikipedia
for want of a better word — if you say that you are using a particular word for want of a better word, you mean that it is not quite exact or suitable but there is no better one. They have problems, which, for want of a better word, we call psychological … New idioms dictionary
for want of something — formal because someone lacks something She could not go on holiday for want of money … English dictionary