- food grains
- продовольственное зерно ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Food vs fuel — is the dilemma regarding the risk of diverting farmland or crops for biofuels production in detriment of the food supply on a global scale. The food vs. fuel or food or fuel debate is internationally controversial, with good and valid arguments… … Wikipedia
Grains of Selim — seed pods The term Grains of Selim refers to the seeds of a shrubby tree, Xylopia aethiopica, found in Africa. It is also known as kimba pepper, African pepper, Moor pepper, Negro pepper, Kani pepper, Kili pepper, Sénégal pepper, Ethiopian pepper … Wikipedia
Food storage — is both a traditional domestic skill and is important industrially. Food is stored by almost every human society and by many animals. Storing of food has several main purposes:*preparation for periods of scarcity or famine *taking advantage of… … Wikipedia
Food security — refers to the availability of food and one s access to it. A household is considered food secure when its occupants do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. World wide around 852 million people are chronically hungry due to extreme poverty,… … Wikipedia
Food microbiology — is the study of the microorganisms which inhabit, create or contaminate food. Of major importance is the study of microorganisms causing food spoilage.cite book | author = Fratamico PM and Bayles DO (editor). | title = Foodborne Pathogens:… … Wikipedia
Food chemistry — is the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non biological components of foods. The biological substances include such items as meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, and milk as examples. It is similar to biochemistry in its … Wikipedia
Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective — Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, also known as the Expert Report, was an expert report published by the World Cancer Research Fund global network in 2007. It reviewed all the evidence about… … Wikipedia
Food guide pyramid — A food guide pyramid is a triangular or pyramid shaped nutrition guide divided into sections to show the recommended intake for each food group. The first food pyramid was published in Sweden in 1974.[citation needed] The most widely known food… … Wikipedia
Food — For other uses, see Food (disambiguation). Part of a series on … Wikipedia
food chain — 1. Ecol. a series of organisms interrelated in their feeding habits, the smallest being fed upon by a larger one, which in turn feeds a still larger one, etc. 2. the chain from a food source to the ultimate consumer. [1925 30] * * * Sequence of… … Universalium
Grains of paradise — Grain Grain (gr[=a]n), n. [F. grain, L. granum, grain, seed, small kernel, small particle. See {Corn}, and cf. {Garner}, n., {Garnet}, {Gram} the chick pea, {Granule}, {Kernel.}] [1913 Webster] 1. A single small hard seed; a kernel, especially of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English