flight of capital

flight of capital
бегство капитала (за границу) ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "flight of capital" в других словарях:

  • flight of capital — N SING When people lose confidence in a particular economy or market and withdraw their investment from it, you can refer to a flight of capital from that economy or market. [BUSINESS] TI has seen its shares suffer because of a flight of capital… …   English dictionary

  • Capital flight — Capital flight, in economics, occurs when assets and/or money rapidly flow out of a country, due to an economic event that disturbs investors and causes them to lower their valuation of the assets in that country, or otherwise to lose confidence… …   Wikipedia

  • flight — [flaɪt] noun TRAVEL 1. [countable] a journey by plane: • The airline began the regular flights to Santiago less than a year ago. • a return flight to Hong Kong 2. top flight …   Financial and business terms

  • flight — /flaɪt/ noun 1. a journey by an aircraft, leaving at a regular time ● Flight AC 267 is leaving from Gate 46. ● He missed his flight. ● I always take the afternoon flight to Rome. ● If you hurry you will catch the six o’clock flight to Paris. 2. a …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • capital — / kæpɪt(ə)l/ noun 1. the money, property and assets used in a business ● a company with £10,000 capital or with a capital of £10,000 ♦ capital structure of a company the way in which a company’s capital is made up from various sources 2. money… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • capital — / kæpɪt(ə)l/ noun 1. the money, property and assets used in a business ● a company with £10,000 capital or with a capital of £10,000 2. money owned by individuals or companies, which they use for investment ♦ flight of capital the rapid movement… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Capital Airlines — was an airline serving the eastern United States which was merged into United Airlines in 1961. Its primary hubs were National Airport near Washington, DC and Allegheny County Airport near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. At its peak it was the fifth… …   Wikipedia

  • flight capital — ➔ capital * * * flight capital UK US noun [U] ► ECONOMICS money that leaves a country and is invested in another country, for example, because of a lack of confidence in the economy or high taxes: »The government is using the scheme to attract… …   Financial and business terms

  • Capital Airlines (Nigeria) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Capital Airlines IATA OACI NCP Callsign CAPITAL SHUTTLE …   Wikipedia Español

  • Capital punishment in Nevada — Capital punishment is a legal form of punishment in the U.S. state of Nevada. The first recorded execution in the area that is now Nevada was the hanging of John Carr for murdering Bernhard Cherry of Carson City on November 30, 1860 and the first …   Wikipedia

  • Capital punishment in Colorado — Capital punishment is legal in the U.S. state of Colorado.Colorado was the last state to perform an execution in pre Furman period (in 1967)http://users.bestweb.net/ rg/execution/13501 14490.htm] , but since 1977 executed only one… …   Wikipedia

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