fair trade practice

fair trade practice
добросовестная деловая практика ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "fair trade practice" в других словарях:

  • Fair trade debate — Fair trade s increasing popularity has drawn criticism from both ends of the political spectrum. Different arguments are used by those who favour and by those who oppose fair trade, or feel that more strict standards and higher fair trade prices… …   Wikipedia

  • Fair trade — For other uses, see Fair trade (disambiguation). Fair trade is an organized social movement and market based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. The movement… …   Wikipedia

  • fair-trade law — a state or federal law authorizing fair trade agreements: repealed 1975. * * * ▪ economics       in the United States, any law allowing manufacturers of branded or trademarked goods (or in some instances distributors of such products) to fix the… …   Universalium

  • fair trade — N UNCOUNT: oft N n Fair trade is the practice of buying goods directly from producers in developing countries at a fair price. ...fair trade coffee …   English dictionary

  • Fair trade law — A fair trade law was a statute that permitted manufacturers the right to specify the minimum retail price of a commodity, a practice known as price maintenance . They first appeared in 1931 during the Great Depression in the state of California.… …   Wikipedia

  • fair trade law — In the U.S., any law allowing manufacturers of brand name or trademarked goods to fix the actual or minimum resale prices of these goods. (Elsewhere the practice is called price maintenance.) Fair trade laws were passed by many states during the… …   Universalium

  • practice, practise — I n. habit 1) to make a practice, practise of smt. 2) a common, usual; local; universal practice, practise 3) a practice, practise to + inf. (it was her practice, practise to drink a glass of wine every evening) exercise 4) to have practice,… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • trade — I n. commerce, business 1) to carry on, conduct, engage in trade 2) to build up, develop, drum up, promote; lose trade 3) to restrain, restrict trade 4) (a) brisk, lively trade (they built up a lively trade) 5) fair trade 6) domestic; export;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • trade — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 buying/selling of goods/services ADJECTIVE ▪ booming, brisk, burgeoning, expanding, flourishing, lively, roaring, thriving ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • practice — [ præktɪs] group local medical nursing private practice professional practice unethical unfair universal practice unscrupulous practices usual i …   Combinatory dictionary

  • trade — Synonyms and related words: abalienate, agency, alien, alienate, alternate, amortize, argue, art, assign, backscratching, balance of trade, bandy, bargain, barter, bartering, be quits with, bequeath, big business, blind bargain, brokerage,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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