extended reproduction

extended reproduction
расширенное воспроизводство ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "extended reproduction" в других словарях:

  • reproduction — /ree preuh duk sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of reproducing. 2. the state of being reproduced. 3. something made by reproducing an original; copy; duplicate: a photographic reproduction; a reproduction of a Roman vase. 4. Biol. the natural… …   Universalium

  • extended-play — extenˈded play adjective (of a gramophone record) giving longer reproduction because of a closer groove and the use of a larger part of its surface area • • • Main Entry: ↑extend …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sound recording and reproduction — Sound recorder redirects here. For the audio recording program computer software, see Sound Recorder (Windows). Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical or mechanical inscription and re creation of sound waves, such as spoken voice,… …   Wikipedia

  • Domestic sheep reproduction — A cross bred ewe suckles her lamb, which was the first of the 2008 spring lambing at a farm in Coventry, England As with other mammals, domestic sheep reproduction occurs sexually. Their reproductive strategy is very similar to other domestic… …   Wikipedia

  • Nobuo Okishio — (置塩 信雄?, January 2, 1927, Hyōgo ku, Kobe – November 13, 2003) was a Japanese Marxian economist and emeritus professor of Kobe University. In 1979, He was elected President of Japan Association of Economics and Econometrics, which is now… …   Wikipedia

  • Nobuo Okishio — (jap. 置塩 信雄, Okishio Nobuo; * 2. Januar 1927 im Hyōgo ku, Kōbe; † 13. November 2003) war ein japanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und emeritierter Professor der Universität Kōbe. 1979 wurde er zum Präsident der Japanese Association of Economics …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Okishio — Nobuo Okishio (jap. 置塩 信雄, Okishio Nobuo; * 2. Januar 1927 im Hyōgo ku, Kōbe; † 13. November 2003) war ein japanischer Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und emeritierter Professor der Universität Kōbe. 1979 wurde er zum Präsident der Japanese… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Adolph Lowe — born Adolf Löwe (4 March 1893 ndash; 3 June 1995) was a German sociologist and economist. Life and work Adolph Lowe was born to a middle class Jewish family in Stuttgart, Germany. His father, Alexander Löwe, was a merchant, and his mother,… …   Wikipedia

  • НАКОПЛЕНИЕ (или РАСШИРЕННОЕ ВОСПРОИЗВОДСТВО) КАПИТАЛА — (accumulation (or expanded or extended reproduction) of capital) (марксизм) процесс, в ходе которого капитализм развивается посредством найма рабочей силы для производства прибавочной стоимости ради создания нового капитала, используемого, в свою …   Большой толковый социологический словарь

  • РАСШИРЕННОЕ ВОСПРОИЗВОДСТВО КАПИТАЛА — (expanded or extended reproduction of capital) (Марксизм) часть прибавочной стоимости, авансируемой в виде нового капитала на расширение деятельности капиталистического предприятия или экономики. См. также Накопление (или расширенное… …   Большой толковый социологический словарь

  • Gramophone record — A 12 inch (30 cm) 33⅓ rpm record (left), a 7 inch 45 rpm record (right), and a CD (above) A gramophone record, commonly known as a phonograph record (in American English), vinyl record (in reference to vinyl, the material most commonly used after …   Wikipedia

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