- export-import relations
- внешнеторговые связи ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Export-Import Bank of the United States — Eximbank L Eximbank (Export Import Bank of the United States : « Banque d import export des États Unis ») est une agence de crédit aux exportations américaine. Son objectif est de soutenir et d encourager les exportations de… … Wikipédia en Français
Export credit agency — Export credit agencies, known in trade finance as ECAs, are private or quasi governmental institutions that act as intermediaries between national governments and exporters to issue export financing. The financing can take the form of credits… … Wikipedia
Relations entre la Chine et le Japon — Relations entre la Chine et le Japon … Wikipédia en Français
Foreign relations of South Korea — The foreign relations of South Korea are dominated by its relationships with North Korea, Japan, China and United States.The Constitution of the Sixth Republic vests the conduct of foreign affairs in the presidency and the State Council, subject… … Wikipedia
Economic relations of Japan — In its economic relations, Japan is both a major trading nation and one of the largest international investors in the world. In many respects, international trade is the lifeblood of Japan s economy. Imports and exports totaling the equivalent of … Wikipedia
Foreign relations of Libya — Libya s foreign policies have undergone much fluctuation and change since the state declared its independence from Italy on December 24, 1951. In the Muammar al Gaddafi era, it has been marked by severe tension with the West (especially the… … Wikipedia
Libya–United States relations — Libya United States relations are bilateral relations between Libya and the United States. History The United States supported the UN resolution providing for Libyan independence in 1951 and raised the status of its office at Tripoli from a… … Wikipedia
People's Republic of China–Mozambique relations — China Mozambique relations China … Wikipedia
United States–Uzbekistan relations — The United States recognized the independence of Uzbekistan on December 25, 1991, and opened an Embassy in Tashkent in March 1992. U.S. Uzbek relations developed slowly and reached a peak following the U.S. decision to invade Afghanistan… … Wikipedia
People's Republic of China–Japan relations — Sino Japanese relations China … Wikipedia
Foreign relations of Belarus — The Byelorussian SSR was one of only two Soviet republics to be separate members of the United Nations (the other being the Ukrainian SSR). Both republics and the Soviet Union joined the UN when the organization was founded in 1945.After the… … Wikipedia