- escalation
- расширение ; повышение ; эскалация ; шкала ; шкала надбавок и скидок ; ? cost-of-living escalation ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Escalation — is the phenomenon of something getting more intense step by step, for example a quarrel, or, notably, a war between states possessing weapons of mass destruction. Compare to escalator, a device that lifts something to a higher level. While the… … Wikipedia
Escalation — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Escalation Título Escalation Ficha técnica Dirección Roberto Faenza Guión Giorgio Giovannini según relato de Roberto Faenza Música … Wikipedia Español
escalation — index boom (increase), boom (prosperity), growth (increase), inflation (increase) … Law dictionary
escalation — /eskə leiʃn/, it. /eska leʃon/ s. ingl. (propr. scalata ), usato in ital. al femm. [intensificazione brusca, spec. di fenomeni negativi: e. di paura, della violenza ] ▶◀ aumento, crescendo, crescita, incremento, spirale. ↓ progressione.… … Enciclopedia Italiana
escalation — derived noun from ESCALATE (Cf. escalate); in the figurative sense it is from 1938, in reference to the battleship arms race among global military powers … Etymology dictionary
escalation — /eskaˈleʃʃon, ingl. ˌɛskəˈleɪʃən/ [vc. ingl., dal verbo to escalate «intensificare», a sua volta da escalade «ascesa, scalata»] s. f. inv. aumento progressivo, intensificazione, incremento, crescita, progressione, spirale, crescendo CONTR.… … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
escalation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ dramatic, major, serious ▪ rapid ▪ gradual ▪ further ▪ military … Collocations dictionary
escalation — escalate es‧ca‧late [ˈeskəleɪt] verb [intransitive] if amounts, prices etc escalate, they increase: • They saw costs escalating and sales slumping as the effect of rising oil prices hit the company. escalation noun [uncountable] : • The rapid… … Financial and business terms
escalation — /ˌeskə leɪʃ(ə)n/ noun a steady increase ● an escalation of wage demands ● The union has threatened an escalation in strike action. ♦ escalation of prices a steady increase in prices … Marketing dictionary in english
escalation — /ˌeskə leɪʃ(ə)n/ noun a steady increase ● an escalation of wage demands ● The union has threatened an escalation in strike action. ♦ escalation of prices a steady increase in prices … Dictionary of banking and finance
escalation — e·sca·la·tion s.f.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} in una guerra, intensificazione dell impegno militare | estens., aumento progressivo di un fenomeno politico, sociale, economico, spec. negativo: l escalation della violenza, un escalation di… … Dizionario italiano