- engineering students
- студенты технических специальностей ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
University of Alberta Engineering Students' Society — Located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, the Engineering Students Society (ESS) of the University of Alberta is the student group representing all undergraduate engineering students within the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta. The … Wikipedia
Canadian Federation of Engineering Students — The Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES) (Fédération canadienne des étudiants et étudiantes en génie in French) is the national association of undergraduate engineering student societies in Canada and exists to organize activities,… … Wikipedia
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association — Infobox Non profit Non profit name = Electrical Engineering Students European Association Non profit type = Pre professional Organization founded date = 1986 founded date = founder = location = origins = key people = EESTEC International:… … Wikipedia
Atlantic Council of Engineering Students — The Atlantic Council of Engineering Students (ACES) is an umbrella organization for all Atlantic Canadian Engineering Societies. ACES is run as a bilingual organization.ExecutiveThe executive of ACES is made up of volunteers from various schools… … Wikipedia
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association — L Electrical Engineering STudents European assoCiation (EESTEC) est une association étudiante apolitique à but non lucratif pour les étudiants en génie électrique et en informatique d Europe, présente dans 20 pays à travers 39 branches locales[1] … Wikipédia en Français
Business Association of Stanford Engineering Students — BASES is one of the largest student entrepreneurship organizations in the United States. This non profit, student run organization was founded in 1996 by a group of five Stanford University engineering students. They looked to gain top level… … Wikipedia
Canadian Federation of Engineering Students — Die Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (abgekürzt CFES) ist die landesweite Vereinigung von technischen Studenten, welche gemeinsam über 51000 technische Studenten in Kanada repräsentieren. Die Vereinigung wurde einerseits gegründet, um… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Electrical Engineering Students' European Association — Die Electrical Engineering Students European Association (kurz: EESTEC) ist ein Verbund von Studierenden der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik in Europa. EESTEC ist an zur Zeit 33 Universitäten in 21 Ländern Europas mit Ortsverbänden, den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Electrical Engineering Students’ European Association — Die Electrical Engineering Students European Association (kurz: EESTEC) ist ein Verbund von Studierenden der Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik in Europa. EESTEC ist an zur Zeit 40 Universitäten in 21 Ländern Europas mit Ortsverbänden, den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
International Association of Civil Engineering Students — International Association of Civil Engineering Students, auch IACES ist die internationale Studentenvereinigung von Bauingenieur aber auch Architekturstudenten. Sie wurde 1989 in Delft gegründet; und ist seit dem an über 50 Universitäten weltweit … Deutsch Wikipedia
Engineering Undergraduate Society of the University of British Columbia — Engineering Undergraduate Society (EUS), is the engineering society at the University of British Columbia. It organizes Engineering department events but is perhaps best known for practical jokes (STUdeNT projectS) it has played in the past,… … Wikipedia