- ending stocks
- переходящие запасы на конец года ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Ending stocks — Primary stocks of crude oil and petroleum products held in storage as of 12 midnight on the last day of the month. Primary stocks include crude oil or petroleum products held in storage at (or in) leases, refineries, natural gas processing… … Energy terms
ending stocks — The amount of a storable commodity remaining at the end of a year. Chicago Mercantile Exchange Glossary … Financial and business terms
List of motion picture film stocks — This is a list of motion picture camera films. Those films known to no longer be available have been marked as (DISCONTINUED) . This article includes color and black and white negative films, reversal camera films, intermediate stocks, and print… … Wikipedia
Agriculture and Food Supplies — ▪ 2007 Introduction Bird flu reached Europe and Africa, and concerns over BSE continued to disrupt trade in beef. An international vault for seeds was under construction on an Arctic island. Stocks of important food fish species were reported… … Universalium
World Cereal Supply and Distribution, Table — ▪ 2000 Table II. World Cereal Supply and Distribution In 000,000 metric tons 1996 97 1997 98 1998 991 1999 20002 Production Wheat 583 609 589 584 Coarse grains 908 883 890 876 Rice, milled 380 387 392 … … Universalium
World Production of Major Oilseeds and Products, Table — ▪ 2000 Table III. World Production of Major Oilseeds and Products In 000,000 metric tons 1996 97 1997 98 1998 991 1999 20002 Total production of oilseeds 262.0 287.0 293.6 296.9 Soybeans 132.2 158.1 158.9 154.1 U.S. 64.8 73.2 74.6… … Universalium
Agriculture and Fisheries — ▪ 2002 Introduction National and International Issues Food Production. Selected Indexes of World Agricultural and Food ProductionTotal agricultural and food production increased slightly in 2001, while global per capita food production was … Universalium
World Cereal Supply and Distribution, Table 1 — ▪ Table In 000,000 metric tons 1990 91 1991 92 1992 93 1993 94 Production Wheat 588 542 561 560 Coarse grains 821 804 857 779 Rice, milled 351 348 351 344 Total 1,760 1,694 1,769 1,682 Utilization Wheat 564 559 546 563 Coarse grains 809 809 834… … Universalium
World Cereal Supply and Distribution, Table 4 — ▪ Table In 000,000 metric tons 1991 92 1992 93 1993 94 1994 95{1} Production Wheat 543 561 559 527 Coarse grains 803 863 787 866 Rice, milled 352 353 350 353 Total 1,698 1,777 1,696 1,746 … Universalium
World Cereal Supply and Distribution, Table 3 — ▪ Table In 000,000 metric tons 1992 93 1993 94 1994 95{1} 1995 96{2} Production Wheat 562 559 522 533 Coarse grains 865 790 863 787 Rice, milled 352 353 361 359 Total 1,779 1,702 1,746 1,679 Utilization Wheat … Universalium
Overall Allotment Quantity — Under the marketing allotment provisions of the sugar program authorized by the 2002 farm bill (P.L. 107 171, Sec. 1403), the Overall Allotment Quantity (OAQ) is the amount of domestically produced sugar that processors of sugar cane and refiners … Wikipedia