economic unit

economic unit
хозяйственная единица ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "economic unit" в других словарях:

  • Economic unit — In an economy, production, consumption and exchange are carried out by two basic economic units: the firm and the household.1. FirmThe firm makes production decisions. These include what goods to produce, how these goods are to be produced and… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic unit cost — Экономическая стоимость одного экземпляра (книги) …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Economic history of India — Economic history of India, in the sense of the meaning of the term economic in its current sense, is at least 5,000 years oldFact|date=November 2007. Indus Valley Civilization The Indus Valley civilization, the first known permanent and… …   Wikipedia

  • economic stabilizer — Any of the institutions and practices in an economy that serve to reduce fluctuations in the business cycle through offsetting effects on the amounts of income available for spending (disposable income). The progressive income tax, unemployment… …   Universalium

  • Economic and Specialist Crime — is an Operational Command Unit of the Specialist Crime Directorate within London s Metropolitan Police Service. The units main purpouse is to both investigate and take steps to prevent fraud, along with a wide range of other fraudulent crimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic inequality — refers to disparities in the distribution of economic assets and income. The term typically refers to inequality among individuals and groups within a society, but can also refer to inequality among nations. Economic Inequality generally refers… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic democracy — is a socioeconomic philosophy that suggests a shift in decision making power from a small minority of corporate shareholders to a larger majority of public stakeholders. There is no single definition or approach for economic democracy, but most… …   Wikipedia

  • Unit 731 — The Unit 731 complex Location Pingfang Coordinates …   Wikipedia

  • Economic order quantity — is that level of inventory that minimizes the total of inventory holding cost and ordering cost. The framework used to determine this order quantity is also known as Wilson EOQ Model. The model was developed by F. W. Harris in 1913. But still R.… …   Wikipedia

  • Economic anthropology — is a scholarly field that attempts to explain human economic behavior using the tools of both economics and anthropology. It is practiced by anthropologists and has a complex relationship with economics. There are three major paradigms within the …   Wikipedia

  • Unit 101 — was a special forces unit of the Israeli Defence Force (IDF), founded and commanded by Ariel Sharon on orders from Prime Minister David Ben Gurion in August 1953. It was created in order to better deal with a spate of Arab fedayeen attacks… …   Wikipedia

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