
превышение расходов над доходами ; отрицательное сальдо ; проедание капитала ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "dissaving" в других словарях:

  • Dissaving — is negative saving. If spending is greater than income, dissaving is taking place. This spending is financed by already accumulated savings, such as money in a savings account, or it can be borrowed. Dissaving was reported as a typical response… …   Wikipedia

  • dissaving — UK US /dɪsˈseɪvɪŋ/ noun [U] ECONOMICS, FINANCE ► spending money that has been saved: »Dissaving results when consumption is greater than income and is essentially the opposite of saving …   Financial and business terms

  • Dissaving — Spending an amount of money greater than available income. Dissaving is considered the opposite of saving, and can include tapping into money already in a savings account or accumulated elsewhere. An individual may also borrow against future… …   Investment dictionary

  • dissaving — noun N. Amer. the action of spending more than one has earned in a given period. ↘(dissavings) the excess amount spent …   English new terms dictionary

  • dissaving — noun : the use of past savings for current consumption : consumption in excess of income the savings of those still rich are offset by the dissavings of the poorer ones Canadian Journal of Economics & Political Science …   Useful english dictionary

  • Расходование/проедание сбережений или жизнь в долг — DISSAVING Превышение текущих расходов на потребление над текущим чистым доходом (см. Diposable income). Разница обычно покрывается за счет прошлых сбережений или кредитов. См. Savings schedule …   Словарь-справочник по экономике

  • saving — sav‧ing [ˈseɪvɪŋ] noun 1. [uncountable] FINANCE the act of keeping money to use later rather than spending it: • We want to encourage saving and investment. 2. [countable usually singular] FINANCE an amount of something that you have not used or… …   Financial and business terms

  • ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНЫЕ СБЕРЕЖЕНИЯ — (dissaving) Уменьшение нетто активов при расходовании средств сверх дохода. Отрицательные сбережения возникают в результате расходования денег, изъятых с банковских счетов, поступлений от продажи активов, либо средств, взятых в долг. Лица,… …   Экономический словарь

  • Saving — Depositing change in a piggy bank is a frequently used savings strategy. Saving is income not spent, or deferred consumption. Methods of saving include putting money aside in a bank or pension plan.[1] Saving also includes reducing expenditures,… …   Wikipedia

  • Debt — For other uses, see Debt (disambiguation). Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract …   Wikipedia

  • Autonomous consumption — is a term used to describe consumption expenditure that occurs when income levels are zero. Such consumption is considered autonomous of income only when expenditure on these consumables does not vary with changes in income. If income levels are… …   Wikipedia

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