- discrepancy
- различие ; несходство ; разногласие ; противоречие ; расхождение ; ? statistical discrepancys ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Discrepancy — may refer to: Mathematics Discrepancy of a sequence Discrepancy theory in structural modelling Discrepancy of hypergraphs, an area of discrepancy theory Statistics Discrepancy function in the context of structural equation models Other Desire… … Wikipedia
discrepancy — mid 15c. (discrepance), from L. discrepantia discordance, discrepancy, from discrepantem (nom. discrepans), prp. of discrepare sound differently, differ, from dis apart, off (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + crepare to rattle, crack. Related: Discrepancies … Etymology dictionary
discrepancy — I noun aberration, anomaly, asymmetry, clash, conflict, contradiction, contrast, departure, deviation, difference, differential, differentiation, disaccord, disagreement, discongruity, discord, discordance, disharmony, disparity, disputed point,… … Law dictionary
discrepancy — [n] conflict, disagreement alterity, contrariety, difference, discordance, disparity, dissemblance, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, dissonance, distinction, divergence, divergency, error, far cry*, incongruity, inconsistency, miscalculation,… … New thesaurus
discrepancy — ► NOUN (pl. discrepancies) ▪ an illogical or surprising lack of compatibility between facts. DERIVATIVES discrepant adjective. ORIGIN Latin discrepantia, from discrepare be discordant … English terms dictionary
discrepancy — [di skrep′ən sē] n. pl. discrepancies [ME discrepauns < OFr discrepance < L discrepantia < discrepans, prp. of discrepare, to sound differently < dis , from + crepare, to rattle: see CRAVEN] lack of agreement, or an instance of this;… … English World dictionary
discrepancy — Any deviation from the conditions stipulated in a letters of credit ( letter of credit). Discrepancies void letter of credit protection. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * discrepancy di‧screp‧an‧cy [dɪˈskrepənsi] noun discrepancies PLURALFORM… … Financial and business terms
discrepancy — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, glaring, great, huge, large, major, marked, material (law, esp. BrE), serious, significant … Collocations dictionary
discrepancy — n. 1) a glaring, striking, wide discrepancy 2) a discrepancy between; in * * * [dɪs krep(ə)nsɪ] in striking wide discrepancy a glaring a discrepancy between … Combinatory dictionary
discrepancy — di|screp|an|cy [dıˈskrepənsi] n plural discrepancies [U and C] [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: discrepare to make unpleasant sounds that do not go together ] a difference between two amounts, details, reports etc that should be the same… … Dictionary of contemporary English
discrepancy — UK [dɪsˈkrepənsɪ] / US [dɪˈskrepənsɪ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms discrepancy : singular discrepancy plural discrepancies a difference between things that should be the same a discrepancy between estimated and actual spending There… … English dictionary