- deposit insurance
- страхование банковских вкладов ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Deposit insurance — Experiences from bank runs during the Great Depression led to the introduction of deposit insurance in the US … Wikipedia
deposit insurance — See: FDIC ( Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) * * * deposit insurance deposit insurance ➔ insurance * * * deposit insurance UK US noun [U] BANKING, INSURANCE ► a system in which payments are made by banks to an organization that would pay a… … Financial and business terms
Deposit Insurance Agency — (DIA) ( ru. Агентство по страхованию вкладов) is a State corporation providing deposit insurance in the Russian Federation. Its headquarters are located in Moscow.The DIA was established in January 2004 on the basis of the Federal law «On the… … Wikipedia
Deposit Insurance Agency of Russia — Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) (Russian: Агентство по страхованию вкладов) is a State corporation providing deposit insurance in the Russian Federation. Its headquarters are located in Moscow. The DIA was established in January 2004 on the basis… … Wikipedia
Deposit Insurance Fund — (DIF) USA A fund that is maintained by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), funded primarily though the insurance premiums charged to insured depository institutions. The DIF allows the FDIC to expedite payment and make up for any… … Law dictionary
Deposit Insurance Fund - DIF — A fund that is devoted to insuring the deposits of individuals by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). The Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) is set aside to pay back the money lost due to the failure of a financial institution. The DIF is … Investment dictionary
Deposit Insurance Act — Federal act creating Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F.D.I.C.) to insure deposits of qualifying banks. 12 U.S.C.A. No. 1811 et seq. See Deposit Insurance Corporation … Black's law dictionary
Deposit Insurance Corporation — Independent federal agency (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) created to insure bank deposits up to a specified amount in national and most state banks, including commercial and savings and loan banks, and to protect depositors from hazards… … Black's law dictionary
Deposit Insurance Act — Federal act creating Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (F.D.I.C.) to insure deposits of qualifying banks. 12 U.S.C.A. No. 1811 et seq. See Deposit Insurance Corporation … Black's law dictionary
Deposit Insurance Corporation — Independent federal agency (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) created to insure bank deposits up to a specified amount in national and most state banks, including commercial and savings and loan banks, and to protect depositors from hazards… … Black's law dictionary
Deposit Insurance Fund — Indėlių draudimo fondas statusas Aprobuotas sritis finansų rinka apibrėžtis Fondas, kuriame sukauptas turtas, skirtas indėlininkams priklausančioms indėlių ir (ar) įsipareigojimų investuotojams draudimo išmokoms išmokėti. atitikmenys: angl.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)