- debit accounts
- дебетовать по счетам ; проводить по счетам ; провести по дебету ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Accounts receivable — (A/R) is one of a series of accounting transactions dealing with the billing of customers who owe money to a person, company or organization for goods and services that have been provided to the customer. In most business entities this is… … Wikipedia
debit memo — UK US noun [C] (UK also debit note) ► BANKING, COMMERCE a document sent to a customer when money is owed from their account, for example, because of a mistake on an invoice: »A debit or credit memo is received from the bank each time an… … Financial and business terms
Debit card — Personal finance Credit and debt Pawnbroker Student loan Employment contract Salary Wage Empl … Wikipedia
Debit MasterCard — The Debit MasterCard is a type of debit card in the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States and other countries. It uses the same systems as the standard MasterCard credit card, but does not use a line of credit to the customer as it is a… … Wikipedia
debit — To debit is to place an entry on the left hand side of an account. A debit in a liability account makes it smaller. A debit in an asset account makes it larger. Glossary of Business Terms An expense, or money paid out from an account. A debit… … Financial and business terms
debit — deb|it1 [ˈdebıt] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: debitum debt ; DEBT] 1.) technical a decrease in the amount of money in a bank account, for example because you have taken money out of it ≠ ↑credit →↑direct debit 2.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
debit — I UK [ˈdebɪt] / US noun [countable] Word forms debit : singular debit plural debits 1) an amount of money taken from a bank account 2) an amount of money that you owe, especially when it is recorded in a company s accounts or on a bank statement… … English dictionary
Debit-Karte — Eine Debitkarte (engl. debit die Kontobelastung) ist eine Bankkarte, Sparkassenkarte oder Bankomatkarte (österreichisch), die zur bargeldlosen Bezahlung oder zum Abheben von Bargeld am Geldautomaten eingesetzt werden kann. Sie ist eine aus… … Deutsch Wikipedia
debit — deb|it1 [ debıt ] noun count 1. ) an amount of money taken from a bank account 2. ) an amount of money that you owe, especially when it is recorded in a company s accounts or on a BANK STATEMENT ─ opposite CREDIT debit deb|it 2 [ debıt ] verb… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Accounts — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Accounts >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 accounts accounts accompts| =>! Sgm: N 1 commercial arithmetic commercial arithmetic monetary arithmetic Sgm: N 1 statistics statistics &c.(numeration) 85 Sgm: N 1 money matters … English dictionary for students
debit card — payment card A plastic card issued by a bank or building society to enable its customers with cheque accounts to pay for goods or services at certain retail outlets by using the telephone network to debit their cheque accounts directly. The… … Accounting dictionary