death annuities

death annuities
ежегодная пенсия при утрате кормильца ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "death annuities" в других словарях:

  • joint-life and last-survivor annuities — Annuities that involve two people (usually husband and wife). A joint life annuity begins payment on a specified date and continues until both persons have died. A last survivor annuity only begins payment on the death of one of the two people… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Potawatomi Trail of Death — The Potawatomi Trail of Death was the forced removal by United States forces from September 4 to November 4, 1838, of 859 members of the Potawatomi nation from a place near Plymouth, Indiana, to the location of present day Osawatomie, Kansas, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Guaranteed Earning Increase Death Benefit — A type of option that annuitants can purchase for their retirement annuities. This option would guarantee the beneficiary that the plan would receive an additional pre determined amount of money that would be above and beyond the death benefit in …   Investment dictionary

  • Reversionary Annuities — A retirement income strategy that combines an insurance policy with an immediate annuity to provide for a surviving spouse. Similar to a permanent life insurance policy, the policy owner of a reversionary annuity pays a premium to guarantee a… …   Investment dictionary

  • VARIABLE ANNUITIES - переменный аннуитет — (рента) программа страхования, чаще всего контракт страхования жизни, стоимость которого зависит от колебания стоимости купленных ценных бумаг. Может приносить пожизненный регулярный или фиксированный пенсионный доход. Владелец переменного… …   Глоссарий финансовых и биржевых терминов

  • Life insurance — The foundation of life insurance is the recognition of the value of a human life and the possibility of indemnification for the loss of that value. F. C. Oviatt, Economic place of insurance and its relation to society[1] Life insurance is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Income Annuity — Annuities designed to start paying income as soon as the policy is initiated. The income annuity is annuitized immediately, although the underlying income units may be in either fixed or variable investments. As such, the income payments may… …   Investment dictionary

  • Annuity (European financial arrangements) — An annuity can be defined as a contract which provides an income stream in return for an initial payment.Immediate annuityAn immediate annuity is an annuity for which the income stream begins at a time after the initial payment which is less than …   Wikipedia

  • Annuity (US financial products) — In the U.S. an annuity contract is created when an individual gives a life insurance company money which may grow on a tax deferred basis and then can be distributed back to the owner in several ways. The defining characteristic of all annuity… …   Wikipedia

  • insurance — /in shoor euhns, sherr /, n. 1. the act, system, or business of insuring property, life, one s person, etc., against loss or harm arising in specified contingencies, as fire, accident, death, disablement, or the like, in consideration of a… …   Universalium

  • Actuarial notation — 1. net single premium of insurance (benefit 1 unit) 2. paid at the moment of death 3. for x year old person, for n years 4. life insurance 5. deferred (m year) 6. with double force of interestActuarial notation is a shorthand method to allow… …   Wikipedia

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