- deal
- сделка ; соглашение ; операция ; количество ; торговать ; сбывать ; иметь дело ; ? packet deal ; ? deal in cars ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
DEAL — Создатель: Кнудсен, Ларс … Википедия
Deal — bezeichnet Deal (Kent), Stadt in der Grafschaft Kent, England Deal (Alba), Ort im Kreis Alba, Rumänien DEAL (Data Encryption Algorithm with Larger blocks), einen kryptographischen Algorithmus im Englischen („handeln“) und als Anglizismus: den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Deal — may refer to: Deal (song), a song by Tom T. Hall Deal, a song from Jerry Garcia s 1972 album, Garcia Deal (automobile), an automobile built in Jonesville, Michigan, from 1905 to 1911 Deal, Kent, a town in Kent, England Deal, New Jersey, a Borough … Wikipedia
Deal — (d[=e]l), n. [OE. del, deel, part, AS. d[=ae]l; akin to OS. d[=e]l, D. & Dan. deel, G. theil, teil, Icel. deild, Sw. del, Goth. dails. [root]65. Cf. 3d {Dole}.] 1. A part or portion; a share; hence, an indefinite quantity, degree, or extent,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deal — DEAL, dealuri, s.n. 1. Formă de relief pozitivă care se prezintă ca o ridicătură a scoarţei pământului mai mică decât muntele, dar mai mare decât colina. ♢ loc. adv. La deal = în sensul urcuşului, în sus. ♢ loc. prep. (De) la deal de... = mai sus … Dicționar Român
deal — Ⅰ. deal [1] ► VERB (past and past part. dealt) 1) distribute (cards) to players for a game or round. 2) (deal out) distribute or apportion. 3) take part in commercial trading of a commodity. 4) informal buy and sell illegal drugs … English terms dictionary
DEAL — Un tour de DEAL avec Ej un bloc DES Résumé … Wikipédia en Français
Deal — Deal, v. i. 1. To make distribution; to share out in portions, as cards to the players. [1913 Webster] 2. To do a distributing or retailing business, as distinguished from that of a manufacturer or producer; to traffic; to trade; to do business;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
deal — deal1 [dēl] vt. dealt, dealing [ME delen < OE dǣlan, to divide, share, akin to Ger teilen: see DEAL2] 1. to portion out or distribute 2. to give; administer [to deal someone a blow ] ☆ 3. Slang to sell (illegal drugs) … English World dictionary
Deal$ — is a dollar store chain in the midwest and southeast United States. It was acquired by Save A Lot in 2002 and by Dollar Tree in 2006. There are 138 Deal$ stores across many U.S. states, most of them are located in Missouri, mostly in and around… … Wikipedia
DEAL — Round function of DEAL General Designers Lars Knudsen First published 1998 … Wikipedia