currency instability

currency instability
неустойчивость валютных курсов ; валютные колебания ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "currency instability" в других словарях:

  • Currency — For other uses, see Currency (disambiguation). Coins and banknotes are the two most common forms of currency. Pictured are several denominations of the euro …   Wikipedia

  • Currency union — World trade A series on Trade …   Wikipedia

  • Currency of Colombia — Contents 1 Spanish colonial coinage 1.1 1622–1756 Cob coinage (macuquina) 1.2 1756–1822 Milled coinage 1.3 1813–1820 Necessity coinage …   Wikipedia

  • currency — / kʌrənsɪ/ noun 1. money in coins and notes which is used in a particular country 2. a foreign currency, the currency of another country (NOTE: =Currency has no plural when it refers to the money of one country:… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • currency — / kʌrənsɪ/ noun money in coins and notes which is used in a particular country ▪▪▪ ‘…today’s wide daily variations in exchange rates show the instability of a system based on a single currency, namely the dollar’ [Economist] ▪▪▪ ‘…the level of… …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Argentine Currency Board — The Argentine Currency Board pegged the Argentine peso to the U.S. dollar between 1991 and 2002 in an attempt to eliminate hyperinflation and stimulate economic growth. While it initially met with considerable success, the board s actions… …   Wikipedia

  • World currency — In the foreign exchange market and international finance, a world currency or global currency refers to a currency in which the vast majority of international transactions take place and which serves as the world s primary reserve currency.A… …   Wikipedia

  • COINS AND CURRENCY — Jewish and Non Jewish Coins in Ancient Palestine THE PRE MONETARY PERIOD Means of payment are mentioned in the Bible on various occasions; the relevant passages in their chronological order reflect the development of these means from stage to… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Soft Currency — A currency with a value that fluctuates as a result of the country s political or economic uncertainty. As a result of the of this currency s instability, foreign exchange dealers tend to avoid it. Also known as a weak currency . Currencies from… …   Investment dictionary

  • mark — mark1 /mahrk/, n. 1. a visible impression or trace on something, as a line, cut, dent, stain, or bruise: a small mark on his arm. 2. a badge, brand, or other visible sign assumed or imposed: a mark of his noble rank. 3. a symbol used in writing… …   Universalium

  • Mark — /mahrk/, n. 1. one of the four Evangelists: traditionally believed to be the author of the second Gospel. 2. the second Gospel: to read aloud from Mark. 3. King, Arthurian Romance. ruler of Cornwall, husband of Iseult and uncle of Sir Tristram. 4 …   Universalium

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