- cross licensing
- взаимный обмен лицензиями ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
cross-licensing — The sharing of patent rights through licensing agreements so that businesses can use each other s technology and not fear infringement lawsuits. Category: Patent, Copyright & Trademark → Patent Law Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N.… … Law dictionary
Cross-licensing — A cross licensing agreement is a contract between two or more parties where each party grants rights to their intellectual property to the other parties. Contents 1 Patent law 2 Non patent law 3 See also 4 … Wikipedia
Cross-Licensing — Unter Kreuzlizensierung (Cross Licensing) wird ein Abkommen zwischen zwei Parteien (zumeist Unternehmen) verstanden, welches die wechselseitige Erlaubnis erteilt Patente der jeweiligen anderen Partei zu nutzen. Die gegenseitige Anerkennung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cross Licensing — Unter Kreuzlizensierung (Cross Licensing) wird ein Abkommen zwischen zwei Parteien (zumeist Unternehmen) verstanden, welches die wechselseitige Erlaubnis erteilt Patente der jeweiligen anderen Partei zu nutzen. Die gegenseitige Anerkennung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
cross-licensing — An arrangement by which businesses share patent rights through licensing agreements so that they can use each other s inventions … Business law dictionary
Cross Licensing — wechselseitiges Lizenzabkommen zwischen den Inhabern voneinander unabhängiger oder abhängiger Patente. Die Einräumung des Nutzungsrechts eines Patents kann unentgeltlich oder entgeltlich erfolgen. C.L. Maßnahmen werden vorangetrieben, um… … Lexikon der Economics
cross-licensing — Permission or right to use a thing or property given in exchange between two or more parties. Exchange of licenses by two or more patent holders in order that each may use or benefit from the patents of the other … Black's law dictionary
cross-licensing — Permission or right to use a thing or property given in exchange between two or more parties. Exchange of licenses by two or more patent holders in order that each may use or benefit from the patents of the other … Black's law dictionary
Licensing Executives Society International — The Licensing Executives Society International, or LES International, (LESI, or formally LES International, Inc. LESI web site, [http://www.lesi.org/content/presidentsmessage.aspx#history About LESI. History section. ] Consulted on March 21, 2007 … Wikipedia
licensing — The sale of a license permitting the use of patents, trademarks, or other technology to another firm. See also cross licensing; license Licensing involves the many procedures administrative agencies perform in conjunction with issuance of various … Black's law dictionary
licensing — The sale of a license permitting the use of patents, trademarks, or other technology to another firm. See also cross licensing; license Licensing involves the many procedures administrative agencies perform in conjunction with issuance of various … Black's law dictionary