costs per unit

costs per unit
удельные затраты ; удельная себестоимость ; стоимость единицы продукции ; издержки на производство единицы продукции ; издержки на единицу продукции ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "costs per unit" в других словарях:

  • unit pricing — / ju:nɪt ˌpraɪsɪŋ/ noun the pricing of items by showing how much each costs per unit of measurement, e.g. per metre or per kilo …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • unit labour costs — The total expenditure on labour per unit of output. A comparison between changes in productivity and unit labour costs in different countries enables economists to make predictions about changes in their competitiveness For example, if unit… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • costs — A pecuniary allowance, made to the successful party (and recoverable from the losing party), for his expenses in prosecuting or defending an action or a distinct proceeding within an action. In federal courts, costs are allowed as a matter of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • costs — A pecuniary allowance, made to the successful party (and recoverable from the losing party), for his expenses in prosecuting or defending an action or a distinct proceeding within an action. In federal courts, costs are allowed as a matter of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • unit cost — Expenditure incurred by an organization expressed as a rate per unit of production or sales. It may be difficult to make valid comparisons of unit costs between organizations. The main problem is the arbitrary allocation of fixed overhead costs …   Accounting dictionary

  • unit cost — Expenditure incurred by an organization expressed as a rate per unit of production or sales. It may be difficult to make valid comparisons of unit costs between organizations. The main problem is the arbitrary allocation of fixed overhead costs …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • unit price — noun : a price quoted in terms of so much per agreed or standard unit of product or service agreed to take the gravel at a unit price of 50 cents a yard often : an inclusive price quoted to cover all incidentals (as transportation or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • unit cost — noun calculated cost for a given unit of a product (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑cost * * * noun : the cost allocated to a selected unit and commonly calculated as the cost over a period of time divided by the number of items produced * * * the cost of …   Useful english dictionary

  • Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent — Monroney label showing the EPA s fuel economy equivalent ratings for the 2011 Chevrolet Volt. The rating for all electric mode (left) is expressed in miles per gallon gasoline equivalent. Miles per gallon gasoline equivalent (MPGe or MPGge) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Defects per million opportunities — In process improvement efforts, defects per million opportunities or DPMO (or nonconformities per million opportunities (NPMO)) is a measure of process performance. It is defined as A defect is defined as a nonconformance of a quality… …   Wikipedia

  • Average margin per user — (AMPU) is one of several criteria for measuring the success of telephone companies. It is an alternative to ARPU, which focuses on revenue per unit. The central premise is that by attention to the margin produced per sold unit, not the amount of… …   Wikipedia

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