costs of production

costs of production
затраты на производство ; издержки производства ; себестоимость ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "costs of production" в других словарях:

  • Production Externality — Costs of production that must ultimately be paid by someone other than the producer of a good or service. Production externalities are usually unintended and can have economic, social and environmental side effects. Production externalities can… …   Investment dictionary

  • production system — ▪ industrial engineering Introduction       any of the methods used in industry to create goods and services from various resources. Underlying principles       All production systems, when viewed at the most abstract level, might be said to be… …   Universalium

  • Production orientation — A production orientation dominated business thought from the beginning of capitalism to the mid 1950 s, and some argue it still exists in some industries. Business concerned itself primarily with production, manufacturing, and efficiency issues.… …   Wikipedia

  • Production costs —   Costs incurred to operate and maintain wells and related equipment and facilities, including depreciation and applicable operating costs of support equipment and facilities and other costs of operating and maintaining those wells and related… …   Energy terms

  • Production leveling — Production leveling, also known as production smoothing or – by its Japanese original term – heijunka (平準化?),[1] is a technique for reducing the muda waste and vital to the development of production efficiency in the Toyota Production System and… …   Wikipedia

  • costs — Ⅰ. costs [plural] (also legal costs) ► LAW the money that helps pay for the lawyers and the court in a legal case, usually paid by the person or organization that has lost the case: »They were fined $50,000 and ordered to pay $10,000 in costs. →… …   Financial and business terms

  • Production music — is the name given to the music owned by production music libraries and licensed to customers for use in film, television, radio and other media. Unlike popular and classical music publishers, who typically own less than 50 percent of the… …   Wikipedia

  • production sharing agreement — (PSA) USA An agreement between a government and a company in which the government awards to the company the right to extract and develop a natural resource (for example, mineral ore or oil). Under a PSA, the company bears the financial risk of… …   Law dictionary

  • production manager — ➔ manager * * * production manager UK US noun [C] PRODUCTION, HR ► a person whose job is to manage the processes, costs, etc. involved in making goods: »On receipt of the weekly orders, production managers total the quantity of each SKU ordered… …   Financial and business terms

  • production payment — Under Title 11 U.S.C. Section 101: (42A) The term production payment means a term overriding royalty satisfiable in cash or in kind (A) contingent on the production of a liquid or gaseous hydrocarbon from particular real property; and (B) from a… …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • Production expenses —   Costs incurred in the production of electric power that conform to the accounting requirements of the Operation and Maintenance Expense Accounts of the FERC Uniform System of Accounts.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s …   Energy terms

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