- costs category
- статья издержек ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Category utility — is a measure of category goodness defined in Harvtxt|Gluck|Corter|1985 and Harvtxt|Corter|Gluck|1992. It was intended to supersede more limited measures of category goodness such as cue validity (Harvnb|Reed|1972;Harvnb|Rosch|Mervis|1975) and… … Wikipedia
court costs — The fees charged for the use of a court, including the initial filing fee, fees for serving the summons, complaint, and other court papers, fees to pay a court reporter to transcribe depositions (pretrial interviews of witnesses) and in court… … Law dictionary
tax costs — A motion to contest a claim for court costs submitted by a prevailing party in a lawsuit. It is called a Motion to Tax Costs and asks the judge to deny or reduce claimed costs. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law… … Law dictionary
nonrecurring closing costs — Those costs of closing a home purchase that need to be paid only once such as the appraisal fee, title insurance, and transfer taxes. (Compare with recurring closing costs) Category: Real Estate & Rental Property Nolo’s Plain English Law… … Law dictionary
Appraisal Costs — A specific category of quality control costs. Companies pay appraisal costs as part of the quality control process to ensure that their products and services meet customer expectations and regulatory requirements. These costs could include… … Investment dictionary
Acquisition Category — The United States Department of Defense divides future acquisition programs into four acquisition categories: ACAT I, ACAT II, ACAT III, or ACAT IA. The differences between these categories depend on their size and programatic differences.… … Wikipedia
Advertising Costs — A category included in financial accounting to represent expenses associated with promoting an industry, entity, brand, product name, or specific products or services in order to stimulate a desire to buy the entity s products or services.… … Investment dictionary
closing costs — n. Expenses that must be paid on closing, including fees for title searches and title insurance, deeds, appraisals, credit reports, and escrow. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell … Law dictionary
recurring closing costs — Those costs of closing a home purchase that represent the first of a series of payments that will recur over time such as homeowners insurance and property taxes. Category: Real Estate & Rental Property Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald … Law dictionary
cost bill — A list of claimed court costs submitted by the prevailing (winning) party in a lawsuit after the judge issues a judgment. Statutes limit what can be included in these costs. Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law… … Law dictionary
good faith estimate — (GFE) A disclosure that real estate mortgage lenders must, under the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), give to all mortgage loan applicants within three days of when they apply. The disclosure must estimate all settlement charges the … Law dictionary