convenience goods

convenience goods
товары, готовые к употреблению (полуфабрикаты) ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "convenience goods" в других словарях:

  • Convenience-Goods —   [kən viːnjəns gʊdz, englisch], Bequemlichkeitsgüter, Güter des täglichen Bedarfs, die ein Konsument häufig und deshalb mit geringem Aufwand an Kaufanstrengungen (nächster Einkaufsort) und Vergleichsbemühungen (Qualitäts und Preisvergleiche)… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • convenience goods —  Goods consumers routinely purchase without comparison. These goods are usually brand name, low priced items and can be divided into three subcategories: staples, impulse items, and emergency items. Widespread distribution is critical to success… …   American business jargon

  • Convenience-Goods — Con|ve|ni|ence Goods [...gudz] die (Plur.) <aus engl. convenience goods »Bequemlichkeitsgüter« zu goods (Plur.) »Güter«> Güter des täglichen Bedarfs, die der Verbraucher (der Bequemlichkeit u. des geringen Zeitaufwandes wegen) in der… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • convenience goods — /kən vi:niəns gυdz/ plural noun ordinary everyday products that people have to buy but which command little or no brand loyalty ● Price competition is very fierce in the convenience goods market …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • Convenience Goods — (problemlose) Güter des täglichen Bedarfs, die der Konsument möglichst bequem in der Nähe seiner Wohnung oder seines Arbeitsplatzes einkaufen möchte (⇡ Verbrauchsgüter), z.B. Brötchen, Milch, Zigaretten, Zeitungen. Gegensatz: ⇡ Shopping Goods, ⇡… …   Lexikon der Economics

  • convenience goods — noun plural : articles that are purchased frequently for immediate use in readily accessible stores and with a minimum of effort (as tobacco, magazines, gum, or candy) contrasted with shopping goods …   Useful english dictionary

  • Convenience — (engl.: Bequemlichkeit, Komfort) bezeichnet: Convenience Food, arbeitserleichternde Essenszutaten oder Fertiggerichte Convenience goods, Verbrauchsgüter, Waren des täglichen Bedarfs; siehe Konsumgut Convenience store, Laden für Waren des… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Convenience Good — A consumer item that is widely available, purchased frequently and with minimal effort. Because a convenience good can be found readily, it does not require the consumer to go through an intensive decision making process. Examples of convenience… …   Investment dictionary

  • convenience — con‧ve‧ni‧ence [kənˈviːniəns] adjective convenience foods/​meals/​goods food products that are made and packed in a way that makes them very quick and easy to use: • the growth in sales of frozen convenience meals see also flag of convenience * * …   Financial and business terms

  • Convenience store — Party store redirects here. For the Dirtbombs album, see Party Store (album). Corner shop redirects here. For the British band, see Cornershop. A convenience store, corner store, corner shop, commonly called a bodega in Spanish speaking areas of… …   Wikipedia

  • convenience stores —    In the early 1960s, service was the key to successful selling. Therefore, unless the customer was in a position to make an expedition to department stores, local shops were still more convenient and were all that most people could afford.… …   Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture

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