- confirm a treaty
- ратифицировать договор ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.
treaty — n. 1) to conclude, sign; negotiate, work out a treaty 2) to confirm, ratify a treaty (the senate confirms all treaties) 3) to break, violate a treaty 4) to abrogate, denounce a treaty 5) a bilateral; commercial, trade; nonaggression; peace; test… … Combinatory dictionary
confirm — transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French cunfermer, from Latin confirmare, from com + firmare to make firm, from firmus firm Date: 13th century 1. to give approval to ; ratify < confirm a treaty > 2. to make f … New Collegiate Dictionary
confirm — confirmable, adj. confirmability, n. confirmer; Law, confirmor /kon feuhr mawr , keuhn ferr meuhr/, n. confirmingly, adv. /keuhn ferrm /, v.t. 1. to establish the truth, accuracy, validity, or genuineness of; corroborate; verify: This report… … Universalium
Treaty of Anagni — The Treaty of Anagni was an accord between the Pope Boniface VIII, James II of Aragón, Philip IV of France, Charles II of Naples, and James II of Majorca. It was signed on June 20, 1295 at Anagni. The chief purpose was to confirm the Treaty of… … Wikipedia
Confirm — Con*firm , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Confrmed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Confirming}.] [OE. confermen, confirmen, OF. confermer, F. confirmer, fr. L. confirmare; con + firmare to make firm, fr. firmus firm. See {Firm}.] 1. To make firm or firmer; to add… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Treaty of Tripoli — The Treaty of Tripoli usually refers to the first treaty concluded between the United States of America and Tripoli, otherwise known in English as the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of … Wikipedia
Treaty of Georgievsk — The Treaty of Georgievsk ( ru. Георгиевский трактат, Georgievskiy traktat ; ka. გეორგიევსკის ტრაქტატი, georgievskis trak tati ) was a bilateral treaty concluded between the Russian Empire and the east Georgian kingdom of Kartli Kakheti on July 24 … Wikipedia
Treaty of Orvieto — The Treaty of Orvieto was an agreement made in 1281 between Charles I of Sicily, Giovanni Dandolo, Doge of Venice, and Philip of Courtenay, titular Latin Emperor, for recovery of the Latin Empire, with the blessing of the Papacy. Intended to… … Wikipedia
Treaty of Fort Jackson — The Treaty of Fort Jackson (also known as the Treaty with the Creeks, 1814) was signed on August 9, 1814 at Fort Jackson near Wetumpka, Alabama following the defeat of the Red Stick (Upper Creek) resistance by United States forces at the Battle… … Wikipedia
confirm — v.tr. 1 provide support for the truth or correctness of; make definitely valid (confirmed my suspicions; confirmed his arrival time). 2 (foll. by in) encourage (a person) in (an opinion etc.). 3 establish more firmly (power, possession, etc.). 4… … Useful english dictionary
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty — Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Participation in the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty … Wikipedia