commodity flows

commodity flows
товарные потоки ;

Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов. 2000.

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Смотреть что такое "commodity flows" в других словарях:

  • Commodity Swap — A swap in which exchanged cash flows are dependent on the price of an underlying commodity. A commodity swap is usually used to hedge against the price of a commodity. The vast majority of commodity swaps involve oil. So, for example, a company… …   Investment dictionary

  • Dalian Commodity Exchange — 大连商品交易所 Type Non profit institution (administered by CSRC) Industry Financial Founded 1993 as Dalian Commodity Exchange Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • Multi-commodity flow problem — The multi commodity flow problem is a network flow problem with multiple commodities (or goods) flowing through the network, with different source and sink nodes. Contents 1 Definition 2 Relation to other problems 3 Usage 4 …   Wikipedia

  • marketing board — Organization set up by a government to regulate the buying and selling of a certain commodity within a specified area. The simplest type of board is designed to carry out market research, promote sales, and furnish information; it is usually… …   Universalium

  • Pacific Ocean — an ocean bordered by the American continents, Asia, and Australia: largest ocean in the world; divided by the equator into the North Pacific and the South Pacific. 70,000,000 sq. mi. (181,300,000 sq. km); greatest known depth, 35,433 ft. (10,800… …   Universalium

  • History of trade of the People's Republic of China — Trade has been a very significant factor of the People s Republic of China s economy. In the twenty five years that followed the founding of the People s Republic of China in 1949, China s trade institutions were built into a partially modern but …   Wikipedia

  • Land use forecasting — undertakes to project the distribution and intensity of trip generating activities in the urban area. In practice, land use models are demand driven, using as inputs the aggregate information on growth produced by an aggregate economic… …   Wikipedia

  • Peg solitaire — The Princess of Soubise playing solitaire, 1697 Peg solitaire is a board game for one player involving movement of pegs on a board with holes. Some sets use marbles in a board with indentations. The game is known simply as Solitaire in the United …   Wikipedia

  • Chatschijan — Leonid Gendrichowitsch Chatschijan (russisch Леонид Генрихович Хачиян; englisch: Leonid Khachiyan; * 3. Mai 1952 in Sankt Petersburg; † 29. April 2005 in South Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) war ein Mathematiker, der zuletzt an der Rutgers… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Leonid Gendrichowitsch Chatschijan — (russisch Леонид Генрихович Хачиян; englisch: Leonid Khachiyan; * 3. Mai 1952 in Leningrad; † 29. April 2005 in South Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) war ein Mathematiker, der zuletzt an der Rutgers University in New Jersey lehrte. Seine bedeutendste …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Leonid Khachiyan — Leonid Gendrichowitsch Chatschijan (russisch Леонид Генрихович Хачиян; englisch: Leonid Khachiyan; * 3. Mai 1952 in Sankt Petersburg; † 29. April 2005 in South Brunswick, New Jersey, USA) war ein Mathematiker, der zuletzt an der Rutgers… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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