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Hantavirus — Hantavirus … Wikipédia en Français
hantavirus — [ ɑ̃tavirys ] n. m. • 1994; de Hantaan n. pr. et virus ♦ Biol. Virus à A. R. N. qui provoque des fièvres hémorragiques. hantavirus [ ɑ̃taviʀys] n. m. ÉTYM. 1994; du nom du biologiste Hantaan, et de virus. ❖ ♦ Biol. Virus à A. R. N., qui provoque… … Encyclopédie Universelle
hantavirus — [han′tə vī΄rəs] n. [after Hantaan River in S. Korea, where the disease was first identified] any of a group of RNA viruses; esp., one spread by contact with rodent urine and feces, that can cause flulike symptoms and sometimes a fatal lung or… … English World dictionary
Hantavirus — Hantavirus … Wikipedia Español
Hantavirus — Taxobox name = Hantavirus image caption = Transmission electron micrograph of the Sin Nombre Hantavirus virus group = v familia = Bunyaviridae genus = Hantavirus subdivision ranks = Species subdivision = Andes virus (ANDV) Bayou virus (BAYV)… … Wikipedia
Hantavirus — Hantavirus … Wikipédia en Français
Hantavirus — Gattung Hantavirus Sin Nombre virus Systematik Reich: Viren Ordnung: nicht klassifiziert … Deutsch Wikipedia
hantavirus — /hahn teuh vuy reuhs, han /, n., pl. hantaviruses. any of several viruses of the family Bunyaviridae, spread chiefly by wild rodents, that cause acute respiratory illness, kidney failure, and other syndromes. [1975 80; after the Hantaan River in… … Universalium
Hantavirus — A group of viruses that cause hemorrhagic fever and pneumonia. The Hantaviruses include the Hantaan virus that causes Korean (and Manchurian) hemorrhagic fever. The Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) struck the Four Corner area (where the States … Medical dictionary
hantavirus — Género de virus de la familia Bunyaviridae, que causa neumonía y fiebres hemorrágicas. Portados por roedores, se diseminan a los seres humanos directamente o por inhalación, pero al parecer no se transmiten de una persona a otra. En la década de… … Enciclopedia Universal