Смотреть что такое "Staphylococcus" в других словарях:
Staphylococcus — aureus Systematik Domäne: Bakterien (Bacteria) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Staphylococcus, — aureus Systematik Domäne: Bakterien (Bacteria) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Staphylococcus — Staphylococcus … Wikipédia en Français
Staphylococcus — género de bacterias inmóviles, esféricas, grampositivas. Algunas especies se encuentran normalmente en la piel y en la garganta; otras provocan infecciones graves purulentas o producen una enterotoxina, que puede causar náuseas, vómitos y diarrea … Diccionario médico
staphylococcus — [staf΄ə lō käk′əs] n. pl. staphylococci [staf΄ə lōkäk′sī΄] [ModL: see STAPHYLO & COCCUS] any of a genus (Staphylococcus) of spherical, Gram positive bacteria that generally occur in irregular clusters or short chains: the pathogenic species (esp … English World dictionary
Staphylococcus — Staphylococcus, Trauben oder Haufenkokkus, regellos angeordnete Kokken (s. Kokkus und Tafel: Bakterien, 2). Bekannte Arten: S. pyogenes aurĕus und albus, die häufigste Ursache eitriger Entzündungen (Furunkel, Phlegmone u.a.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
staphylococcus — (pl. staphylococci), 1887, Mod.L., the genus name, coined (on model of STREPTOCOCCUS (Cf. streptococcus)) in 1882 by Scottish surgeon and bacteriologist Alexander Ogston (1844 1929), from Gk. staphyle bunch of grapes (see STAFF (Cf. staff)) + Mod … Etymology dictionary
staphylococcus — ► NOUN (pl. staphylococci) ▪ a bacterium of a genus including many kinds that cause pus to be formed. DERIVATIVES staphylococcal adjective. ORIGIN from Greek staphul bunch of grapes + kokkos berry … English terms dictionary
Staphylococcus — Not to be confused with Streptococcus. Staphylococcus SEM micrograph of S. aureus colonies; note the grape like clustering common to Staphylococcus species. Scientif … Wikipedia
Staphylococcus — Staphylococcus … Wikipédia en Français