Смотреть что такое "Pantoea" в других словарях:
Pantoea — Taxobox name = Pantoea regnum = Bacteria phylum = Proteobacteria classis = Gamma Proteobacteria ordo = Enterobacteriales familia = Enterobacteriaceae genus = Pantoea genus authority = Gavini et al . 1989 type species = Pantoea agglomerans… … Wikipedia
Pantoea agglomerans — Taxobox color = lightgrey name = Pantoea agglomerans regnum = Bacteria phylum = Proteobacteria classis = Gamma Proteobacteria ordo = Enterobacteriales familia = Enterobacteriaceae genus = Pantoea binomial = Pantoea agglomerans binomial authority … Wikipedia
Pantoea — Pan·toea (pan teґə) [Gr. pantoia from diverse sources (referring to geographic and ecologic distribution)] a widely distributed genus of gram negative bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae, consisting of nonencapsulated, non–spore… … Medical dictionary
Pantoea agglomerans — a species found on plants, in water, and in the human intestinal tract. It is a potential pathogen, causing a variety of infections, including those of nosocomial origin. Called also Enterobacter agglomerans … Medical dictionary
Enterobacter agglomerans — Pantoea agglomerans … Medical dictionary
Erwinia chrysanthemi — Erwinia Chrysanthemi … Wikipédia en Français
Stewart's Wilt — Taxobox color = lightgrey name = Stewart s Wilt regnum = Bacteria phylum = Proteobacteria classis = Gamma Proteobacteria ordo = Enterobacteriales familia = Enterobacteriaceae genus = Pantoea binomial = Pantoea stewartii binomial authority =… … Wikipedia
Erwinia — Systematik Domäne: Bakterien Abteilung: Proteobacteria Klasse: Gammaproteobacteria Ordnung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Enterobacteriaceae — Citrobacter freundii (sekundärelektronenmikroskopisches Bild) Systematik Domäne … Deutsch Wikipedia
Enterobacteriales — Enterobacteriaceae Citrobacter freundii (sekundärelektronenmikroskopisches Bild) Systematik Domäne … Deutsch Wikipedia