Смотреть что такое "5-HOK" в других словарях:
HOK Sport Venue Event — is an architectural firm specializing in the design of public assembly spaces and planning of major special events.After recognizing a potential market for architects specializing in the design of sports facilities, HOK founded HOK Sport in 1983 … Wikipedia
Hok — Hilfe zu Wappen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hok Sochetra — (né le 27 juillet 1974) est un ancien footballeur cambodgien évoluant au poste d attaquant. Hok Sochetra, qui était l entraîneur du Post tel FC a rechaussé les crampons, il est revenu de sa retraite le 31/01/2009, pour disputer le 1/8e de… … Wikipédia en Français
Hok — may refer to:*Hellmuth, Obata and Kassabaum, HOK is a major, international architecture, interiors, engineering, planning and consulting firm *Hok (village), a location in Sweden *Hok/sok system, a hHost killing gene of the R1 E. coli plasmid… … Wikipedia
Hok Yau Club — (zh t|t=學友社) is an independent and non profit non governmental organisation (NGO) in Hong Kong. It is a peripheral organization of the Chinese Communist Party , and is labeled as pro CCP.Wang, J C F(1998)Contemporary Chinese Politics: An… … Wikipedia
Hok, Sweden — Hok is a small village in Vaggeryd Municipality in Jönköping County, Sweden, with a population of 643 (2005).HistoryHok was once an important station in the manufacturing process of Swedish iron from Taberg and is situated along the railroad… … Wikipedia
hok — hok; hok·ku; hok·mah; … English syllables
Hok Yuen — (Chinese: 鶴園) or formerly Hok Un is a place in at the southeastern coast of Kowloon Peninsula, Hong Kong. It is at the north of Hung Hom, south of Shek Shan and east of Lo Lung Hang … Wikipedia
hok|ku — «HOK koo», noun, plural ku. 1. = haiku. (Cf. ↑haiku) 2. the first stanza in a Japanese verse form in which the stanzas are composed alternately by various poets. ╂[< Japanese hokku] … Useful english dictionary
Hok-kien — Hok kien, chines. Provinz, s.v.w. Fu kien (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
Hok-tschiu — Hok tschiu, chines. Stadt, s.v.w. Fu tschou (s.d.) … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon