Смотреть что такое "Clindamycin" в других словарях:
Clindamycin — Systematic (IUPAC) name methyl 7 chloro 6,7 … Wikipedia
Clindamycin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Freiname Clindamycin Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Clindamycin — КЛИНДАМИЦИН ( Clindamycin ). 7 Хлордезоксипроизводное линкомицина. Синонимы: Далацин Ц, Климицин, Dalacin С, Cleocin, Climicin, Clinymicin, Klindamycin, Klinicin, Sobelin и др. Выпускается в виде гидрохлорида для приема внутрь и фосфата для… … Словарь медицинских препаратов
clindamycin — ˌklindəˈmīsən noun ( s) Etymology: chlor + lindamycin, alteration (influenced by deoxy ) of lincomycin (herein) : a semisynthetic antibiotic C18H33ClN2O5S derived from and used similarly to lincomycin * * * /klin deuh muy sin/, n. Pha … Useful english dictionary
clindamycin hydrochloride — [USP] the hydrated hydrochloride salt of clindamycin; used primarily in the treatment of penicillin resistant gram positive infections and in patients allergic to penicillin; administered orally … Medical dictionary
clindamycin palmitate hydrochloride — [USP] a water soluble hydrochloride salt of the ester of clindamycin and palmitic acid, having the same actions and uses as the hydrochloride salt; it is suitable for the preparation of solutions for oral administration … Medical dictionary
clindamycin phosphate — [USP] a water soluble ester of clindamycin and phosphoric acid, having the same actions and uses as the hydrochloride salt; administered intramuscularly or intravenously. It is also used topically in the treatment of acne vulgaris and vaginally… … Medical dictionary
clindamycin — /klin deuh muy sin/, n. Pharm. a toxic semisynthetic antibiotic, C18H33ClN2O5S, used to treat serious infections chiefly due to various anaerobic bacteria, esp. Bacteroides. [1965 70; by contr. and rearrangement of chloro deoxylincomycin an… … Universalium
clindamycin — noun A lincosamide antibiotic drug, mostly used to treat infections with anaerobic bacteria … Wiktionary
clindamycin — An antibacterial and antibiotic. * * * clin·da·my·cin .klin də mīs ən n an antibiotic C18H33ClN2O5S derived from and used similarly to lincomycin * * * n. an antibiotic used to treat serious bacterial infections. It is administered by mouth,… … Medical dictionary