Смотреть что такое "Klebsiella" в других словарях:
Klebsiella — pneumoniae (sekundärelektronenmikroskopische Aufnahme) Systematik Domäne: Bakterien … Deutsch Wikipedia
Klebsiella — Klebsiella … Wikipédia en Français
klebsiella — género de diplococos en forma de pequeños bastones rechonchos, con extremos redondeados y sin flagelos. Existen varias enfermedades respiratorias, como bronquitis, sinusitis y algunas formas de neumonía, que están producidas por la infección por… … Diccionario médico
klebsiella — ● klebsiella nom féminin Genre bactérien constitué de bacilles à Gram négatif de la famille des entérobactéries … Encyclopédie Universelle
Klebsiella — Klebsiella … Wikipédia en Français
Klebsiella — Klebsiella … Wikipedia Español
Klebsiella — Taxobox color = lightgrey name = Klebsiella image width = image caption = regnum = Bacteria phylum = Proteobacteria classis = Gamma Proteobacteria ordo = Enterobacteriales familia = Enterobacteriaceae genus = Klebsiella genus authority = Trevisan … Wikipedia
klebsiella — /kleb zee el euh, klep see /, n. Bacteriol. any of several rod shaped, aerobic bacteria of the genus Klebsiella, certain species of which, as K. pneumoniae, are found in the respiratory, intestinal, and genitourinary tracts of humans and animals… … Universalium
klebsiella — noun Etymology: New Latin, from Edwin Klebs died 1913 German pathologist Date: 1928 any of a genus (Klebsiella) of nonmotile enterobacteria that includes causative agents of respiratory and urogenital infections … New Collegiate Dictionary
Klebsiella — A group of bacteria normally living in the intestinal tract and frequently the cause of nosocomial infections (infections acquired in the hospital). Named for Dr. Klebs. * * * A genus of aerobic, facultatively anaerobic, nonmotile,… … Medical dictionary