Смотреть что такое "Helicobacter" в других словарях:
Helicobacter — Helicobacter … Wikipédia en Français
Helicobacter — pylori Systematik Domäne: Bakterien Abteilung: Proteobacteria … Deutsch Wikipedia
helicobacter — bacterias espirilares que proliferan en el estómago de animales. La especie Helicobacter pylori es causante de una gran número de gastritis y de úlceras pépticas microfotografía Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010 … Diccionario médico
Helicobacter — pylori … Wikipédia en Français
Helicobacter — Taxobox color = lightgrey name = Helicobacter image width = 240px image caption = Scanning electron micrograph of Helicobacter bacteria. regnum = Bacteria phylum = Proteobacteria classis = Epsilon Proteobacteria ordo = Campylobacterales familia … Wikipedia
Helicobacter — Helicobacter … Wikipedia Español
helicobacter — noun Any member of the Helicobacter bacteria … Wiktionary
Helicobacter — A genus of helical, curved, or straight microaerophilic bacteria with rounded ends and multiple sheathed flagella (unipolar or bipolar and lateral) with terminal bulbs. Form nonpigmented, translucent … Medical dictionary
helicobacter — /ˈhɛlikoʊbæktə/ (say heleekohbaktuh) noun a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, which may inhabit the stomach and duodenum, causing a chronic low level inflammation of the stomach lining which leads to stomach ulcers. {New Latin: genus name, from… …
helicobacter — ˈheləkōˌbaktər noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from helic + bacter 1. capitalized : a genus of bacteria formerly placed in the genus Campylobacter and including one (H. pylori) associated with gastritis and implicated as a causative agent of… … Useful english dictionary