- jus publicum
- jus publicum
лат. (юс публикум)
публичное право.Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина.- М: Русский язык, 1998.
Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина.- М: Русский язык, 1998.
jus publicum — jus pub·li·cum / pə bli kəm, pü blē ˌku̇m/ n [New Latin, from Latin, public law or right]: a right of public ownership; specif: the right of ownership of real property that is held in trust by a government for the public tidal flats are subject… … Law dictionary
Jus publĭcum — (lat.), öffentliches Recht, Staatsrecht … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
jus publicum — /jas pablakam/ Public law, or the law relating to the constitution and functions of government and its officers and the administration of criminal justice. Also public ownership, or the paramount or sovereign territorial right or title of the… … Black's law dictionary
jus publicum — /jas pablakam/ Public law, or the law relating to the constitution and functions of government and its officers and the administration of criminal justice. Also public ownership, or the paramount or sovereign territorial right or title of the… … Black's law dictionary
Jus publicum et privatum quod ex naturalibus praeceptis aut gentium aut civilibus est collectum; et quod in jure scripto jus appellatur, id in lege Angliae rectum esse dicitur — Law, both public and private, is that which is collected from natural precepts either of nations or states; and that which in the written law is called jus, in the law of England is called right … Ballentine's law dictionary
jus publicum — A public right; a right held by the king in a representative capacity. Lewis Blue Point Oyster Cultivation Co. v Briggs, 198 NY 287, 91 NE 846 … Ballentine's law dictionary
jus publicum — ˈpəblə̇kəm noun Etymology: Latin : public law including in Roman law the criminal and sacred law … Useful english dictionary
jus publicum privatorum pactis mutari non potest — /jas pablakam prayvatoram paektas myuwteray non powtast/ A public law or right cannot be altered by the agreements of private persons … Black's law dictionary
jus publicum privatorum pactis mutari non potest — /jas pablakam prayvatoram paektas myuwteray non powtast/ A public law or right cannot be altered by the agreements of private persons … Black's law dictionary
Jus publicum privatorum pactis mutari non potest — A public law or right cannot be altered by the agreements of individuals. Mitchell v First National Bank, 180 US 471, 476, 45 L Ed 627, 630, 21 S Ct 418 … Ballentine's law dictionary