- in pace
- in pace
лат. (ин пацэ)
в мире, в покое.Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина.- М: Русский язык, 1998.
Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. П. Крысина.- М: Русский язык, 1998.
Pace (surname) — Pace is a surname in both Italian and English. In addition to being found in Italy and England, it is also found in Germany, is very common in Malta, and can be found among Italian and British immigrants in places like the United States.The Pace… … Wikipedia
Pace — may refer to: *Pace (speed), the speed at which movement occurs *Pace (length), a unit of length * Peace in Italian, sometimes written on a rainbow flag * With peace in Latin (ablative case of pax ), sometimes used in formal writing to indicate… … Wikipedia
PACE Financing — PACE stands for Property Assessed Clean Energy. In areas with PACE legislation in place municipality governments offer a specific bond to investors and then turn around and loan the money to consumers and businesses to put towards an energy… … Wikipedia
PACE — steht für: PACE Bewegung, eine internationale Friedensbewegung, deren Name sich vom italienischen Wort pace für „Frieden“ ableitet Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, Initiative zur Bündelung der Rechenleistung von Hochleistungsrechnern … Deutsch Wikipedia
Pace — steht für: die Parlamentarische Versammlung des Europarates (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) PACE Bewegung, eine internationale Friedensbewegung, deren Name sich vom italienischen Wort pace für „Frieden“ ableitet, siehe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
pace — PÁCE s.f. 1. Stare de bună înţelegere între popoare, situaţie în care nu există conflicte armate sau război între state, popoare, populaţii. 2. Acord al părţilor beligerante asupra încetării războiului, tratat de încheiere a unui conflict armat.… … Dicționar Român
Pace plc — (lse|PIC) is a UK developer of set top boxes for Cable television, Satellite television and IPTV operators, founded in 1982. They took over from Amstrad as the main supplier for BSkyB. They were the first manufacturer to ship boxes for Sky… … Wikipedia
pace — [peɪs] noun [singular] 1. the rate or speed at which something happens: • The average price of a new car began to soar at a faster pace than household incomes. 2. keep pace (with) to change at the same rate as someone or something else: • Next… … Financial and business terms
Pace (Ille-et-Vilaine) — Pacé (Ille et Vilaine) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pacé. Pacé Mairie de Pacé depuis le parvis Administration … Wikipédia en Français
Pacé (ille-et-vilaine) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pacé. Pacé Mairie de Pacé depuis le parvis Administration … Wikipédia en Français
pace — (p[=a]s), n. [OE. pas, F. pas, from L. passus a step, pace, orig., a stretching out of the feet in walking; cf. pandere, passum, to spread, stretch; perh. akin to E. patent. Cf. {Pas}, {Pass}.] 1. A single movement from one foot to the other in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English